No Video card?

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Nov 9, 2011
hey guys I am new to Freenas and I am wondering if it is required to have a video card installed on the server AFTER its installed? in order to keep running?

I will be using Freenas 8
and also the hardware will be

Asus a8n0 SLI Deluxe
4Gig total - DDR 1G sticks
AMD Socket 939

this is an old rig, will it be sufficient for FreeNas?



Jul 1, 2011
hey guys I am new to Freenas and I am wondering if it is required to have a video card installed on the server AFTER its installed? in order to keep running?

I will be using Freenas 8
and also the hardware will be

Asus a8n0 SLI Deluxe
4Gig total - DDR 1G sticks
AMD Socket 939

this is an old rig, will it be sufficient for FreeNas?


It should work just fine.

EDIT: WTF???? When I replied to your message it had no hardware info, yet in the quoted reply it shows up. Also the original message you posted still doesn't show the hardware info that 'magically' appeared in the quoted part above?????

Anyway, I use that same motherboard for my MythTV system. I think there are 1 or 2 other people that have used it here for FreeNAS.


Nov 9, 2011
haha I am not to sure why it didn't show up lol, I figured I should post my hardware to see if anything wont work :)

Also for the video card issue how would I use it without a video card ? after it installs just log into the system and just remove the video card and it will be fine ?


Jun 1, 2011
Also for the video card issue how would I use it without a video card ? after it installs just log into the system and just remove the video card and it will be fine ?

Once your FreeNAS is setup, you can leave the system "headless" - ie. disconnect keyboard, mouse and video (though you may need to configure the BIOS to continue booting if no keyboard is detected). In your case, it sounds as if you will be going as far as removing the video card completely - so long as the system still boots and doesn't complain at the lack of a video card, you should be fine with FreeNAS as it doesn't need a video card.

To configure a headless server, you connect to it over the network using either a browser-based GUI or ssh for shell/command line access - both options are available with FreeNAS.


Jul 1, 2011
Most desktop motherboards will not POST if there is no video card installed.

I think you are correct, I'm so used to motherboards with some type of on-board video that I forgot about that.

@shinigaimi - Why were you wanting to remove the video, for the extra slot? or just not needing to get an extra video card for it?

I would try my A8N without a video card for you, but it's buried in the media center and would be a pain to get to.


Nov 7, 2011
I've been trying to get my FreeNAS server running without a video card, but have had no success. I set my BIOS to "No Halt on Error", and it appears to POST (but it's impossible to say for sure), but I never get an ethernet connection.

The only way I can get my system to boot up FreeNAS is by having a video card installed. It appears that I'm off to look for a super duper cheap video card....


Old Man
May 28, 2011
I am in the same situation here, I was planning to remove my video card as it consumes just over 20 watts of power at idle but when I remove it and power up the system, the system starts to boot FreeNAS but fails to complete. I read in one old trouble ticket that if you enable a serial console that it would boot. I met with failure maybe because I don't have a serial console? I do have a serial port (RS232) on my MB. I'd like to still get this working without a video card installed vice having to install something that sucks power down. I'm thinking that maybe there is some configuration for the serial console that I'm unaware of like specifying which COM port to use as it's only a check mark on the configuration screen.

As for how to tell if FreeNAS is booting, that is easy. First become familiar with how your computer boots with the video card installed. Pay attention to the time it takes, the light and hard drive noises and the USB Flash drive light (if yours has one). I can state mine gets past POST and starts booting based on those indications. For me it's pretty obvious.

I'm running 8.0.3-RC2. System specs in signature line.


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
Booting without a video card on a consumer grade board will be dodgy. Almost any server grade board will do it without blinking. This is basically because there needs to be some thought given in the BIOS programming to what to do if there's no video card. Your average server board will intercept the BIOS console traffic and redirect it to a serial port, or perhaps a virtual display that can be accessed via an IPMI subsystem. The consumer grade board isn't necessarily going to have all the instrumentation built into it to make that all work out. There are several levels at which this can go all wrong.

If you have an RS232 port on your board that's configured as COM1, you do have everything you need for a serial console. You do not need to have something *attached* to the serial console in order for it to be an operable serial console. If you do not attach a terminal of some sort, the system really has very little clue that there's nothing there, it's seeing no keystrokes and it can keep pumping serial data out. If you *do* attach a terminal, then of course you get to monitor and control your console from your terminal. Just like the old days. :smile:

If you wish to experiment, you may want to try something like sticking "-D -h" into "/boot.config". Or just "-h". This will push FreeBSD's console selection to serial as quickly in the boot process as possible through configuration alone. I don't know if FreeNAS will respect that. This is where it's *very* handy to pull out a laptop and hook up its serial port to your server, and actually find out what is going on, and where it is bombing. You might find that your system isn't actually hanging up where you think it is, or you might find some other obvious issue that can be fixed.


Old Man
May 28, 2011
I like the sound of hooking up another computer to the COM port. I'll verify it's set in the BIOS to COM1 settings. Yes, those are the old days and I do remember it well, but wait, I'm still using that technology at work on several computer systems so it's not a distant memory at all for me.

Thanks for the advice and I will post my results.


Old Man
May 28, 2011
And the fix is in...

I had disabled my COM port in the BIOS. I simply enabled it, set as COM 1. I then booted the machine and enabled (checked) the Serial Console, shutdown and removed power to the machine, pulled the video card, powered on the machine and the system booted without error.

I do not have anything connected to the COM 1 port but I thought I should give it a try to see how/if it functions. Since my laptop doesn't have a COM port I'll have to just connect a cable between my wife's computer and the NAS. Good thing I'm old because I do have serial cables still laying around in a box.

Now if I could find a video card that pulled only a few watts of power, I'd install it but right now I will have to retain my current video card in case I need it at a later date. Maybe I should get use to loading the image directly to the flash device.
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