HAMA agent for Plex isn't showing up


Mar 29, 2020
Does anyone have a working Hama installation in their Plex? I created the proper folders, set the correct paths for HAMA and ASS scanner, but neither show up in my Plex settings.

I followed the plugin's github instruction and the closed older guide, especially messed with permissions thinking it's gonna be permissions.. Set to 777 like github's troubleshooting writes, and tried setting the entire plex iocage ACL permission to include full permission to user ID 972, even tho my plex install is using root user not plex.

Would anyone mind sharing their hama/ass folders, or possibly share if it's an issue you also came across? Any ideas?

Latest HAMA/ASS from github


Jan 27, 2022
Bit late to answer but still posing on the off chance you've not sorted this out or someone finds this through google like I did...
I'm still running FreeNAS but I hope the process should be similar enough on TrueNAS and in the future versions so this might still be helpful to someone.

1. Download latest ASS and HAMA, update PLEX to latest version
1.1. Unzip both ASS and HAMA
1.2. Delete the "-master" at the end of HAMA folder name
2. Head to the FreeNAS web portal > Shell
3. Launch Midnight Commander by typing "mc"
4. Head to where your jail is, in my case I had to head up one level, then to where my jails are stored: mnt/{share}/iocage/jails/{PLEX jail}/root/Plex Media Server
5. Paste ASS directly in here along with the Scanners/Series file structure, should end up with path like this: root/Plex Media Server/Scanners/Series/Absolute Series Scanner.py
6. Head back to Plex Media Server folder and go to Plug-ins, paste Hama.bundle folder here, should end up with path like this: root/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins/Hama.bundle/README.md
7. Restart PLEX plugin fully, including the jail
8. HamaTV should show up on the list of available agents in the PLEX settings now