G'Day from Western Australia

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Jun 9, 2012
G'day I am an antique retired communications engineer, whose occupation was destroyed by modern technology.
I used to build, service and use long range communication systems which used the HF spectrum. Then along came mobile phones and people started using strange methods like "Twutter" and "Headface" and other weird things.
They plugged strange objects in their ears and walked around talking to themselves, or so it seemed.

I started playing with Computers many years ago with an old Wang processor which had 10" floppy disk, yes 10"!
I graduated to the TRS80 (affectionately known as the "Trash80" and so the list went on C64, C128, 8080, 286 ad nausem to the present day Gigerbyte Machines that sent one's power meter into orbit.

I have programmed and built/repaired them all just as a hobby It was a challenge to write programs in "Edit Assembly" and create the local Church Magazine on a C64. I even wrote morse code programs for ham radio interface and used early machines for RTTY and PACTOR.

Strangely enough the only thing I did with the internet was to write my own web page, for that I had to choose the hard way using only "notepad".. Must have worked I have had almost 11,000 visitors to my personal pages.

Now I am playing with an old P4 and setting up a home server - I know nothing about networking or at least until I tried it a couple of weeks ago, using a Server program "A.... 2.2.4" I got hopelessly lost in a massive jungle of IPs and config files, also their forum rejected my "Gmail account" and from what I could see their latest version is not for the feint hearted, with so-called X-Spurts (sic) having probs.

I thought there must be an easier way. That is why I am here. I have downloaded FreeNAS and will burn and try that out.

Regards to all
If at first you don't succeed, try and try and try and try and try again. Until either you or the computer blows up


Jul 1, 2011
Welcome Phaegorion,

There are a few of us "old timers" here, including myself, which feels really strange to say! If you browse through the introductions here, you'll see who some of the others are.

Technology has exploded, but all of those old toys are still very cool. I used to work on some of the old Wang systems, but the type with the HUGE 5MB washing machine sized disk drives! Uggghhh... I used to have to rebuild those drives after a head crash, it's amazing how far things have come.

I also have my ham radio license, though I don't actively use it, so I'm familiar with those programs too!

It's always great to hear from another techie like yourself. If you want to chat sometime, feel free to send me a PM (private message).

-- Proto
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