Ganz großes Kino -dark (ending Dec 2020)

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BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
What those with reasonably standard (large) screens will see:
Screenshot_2020-01-02 iXsystems Community.png

Any new discussion such as for a separate theme you wish for me to create (substantially different from this one in layout and/or function, not simply colors) can be started here and I will shift it to its own sticky thread.
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BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
I just recently acquired a small screen device (Kyocera DuraXV LTE cellphone) and took a look at how this theme appears with such a tiny viewport. Needless to say, it could use some improvement, I noticed some unintended flaws. I hope to get some things fixed fairly quickly, this is a relative slow period at work so I should be able. Had I received feedback or had a device myself for testing, things would be better already.
Jan 18, 2017
2.6 inch screen damn that is tiny I'm only ever logged in on my desktops so I have not noticed any issues in regards to small displays....


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
heh! Yep. I don't exactly intend to use it much for browsing, it is sort of a pain (not just due to small screen size) but it is good to be able to see any issues others may have with the theme.
Jan 18, 2017
when inserting code you cannot see what you are typing
Jan 18, 2017
Hmmm this blue back ground when mousing over a poll sure makes it hard to read


  • I'm Blue – da ba dee da ba dye.png
    I'm Blue – da ba dee da ba dye.png
    26.2 KB · Views: 657


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
@cobrakiller58 as my most prolific nitpicker (not a bad thing), while I seem to be recently somewhat motivated to look at CSS, are there any things that you feel need to be adjusted?

I recently added the logo for TrueNAS and revised the 'unfurl' link effect box, as well as styled the youtube media box, both in this post.


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
Moderators might see a bit more blue in this theme than intended. I may remove all but a very few instances of blue (like icon + text, for example), so if you see blue while using this theme, please point it out!

Also, if there are any items which are particularly illegible/unreadable, I will do my best to correct those as well.


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
I hope to work on a massive overhaul of the Ganz großes Kino -dark theme, not so much to change its appearance, but to clarify and organize it.

I copied the CSS from the progenitor theme as a basis, which I was surprised is quite usable as a theme itself at the moment. From this, I want to use much of the same selectors for my modifications, which would (should) mean that there may be less conflict and in some rare instances may function better than my present solutions. I also hope to re-organize the various CSS files, in particular to split color changes from spacing and size changes (and most other changes).

In order to make future maintenance easier, I hope to also split the files further into logical sets, perhaps all buttons in one, all headers or menu items in another, that sort of thing. These lengthy CSS files can be a real pain to dig through in order to make adjustments after the fact. There is no search function which will drop a cursor at the place where the term is found, and I cannot even effectively use any browser-based search tool to do the same, due to scroll bars and viewport sizes.

It turns out that I will have yet more free time to work on all of this, since I will not yet be back at my regular job until August 21st! Damned ridicules but it is wholly out of my control. I have a number of other ideas of things to accomplish here and elsewhere, so I don't know at the moment what my timeline will be for any of it. However, I have become just a little bored with minetest lately, mostly due to much fewer other users on the servers I had been using as well as those servers being limitied in general (regarding mods which equates to capabilities and expansion), so I need to find other things (besides breaking my primary box in a software sense) to keep me busy.


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
  • I finally fixed the 'Forums' tab to remove the unneeded left padding entity and gave its top left corner a radius.
  • I made the OpenZFS avatar image more legible by shrinking it slightly and adding pixel or so of padding, and changing the background color to more like white.
  • Fixed the 'unfurl' image display for these forums "logo w/community" to style it similarly to the large version on the top left corner.
Jan 18, 2017
  • I finally fixed the 'Forums' tab to remove the unneeded left padding entity and gave its top left corner a radius.

I didn't notice I noticed that until you mentioned it.....


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
There is some substantial jiggering of the themes lately. There may be some regressions until I have re-organized the CSS and the files that contain them.
  • I had thought that I had finalized some adjustments to text colors in order to maintain visibility of shades that were chosen which too closely match the background of this theme. it turns out that those were completed or nearly perfected for the Ganz großes Kino -testing theme but never got copied to this theme until some few hours ago.
  • Mods and admins benefit from a conditionally unhidden group of buttons which now appear to the right of the iX Store button when the staff bar scrolls off the top of the screen.
  • The iXsystems FreeNAS TrueOS TrueNAS links are now in one row on the upper right side about level with the iX Community logo.


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
It will end up being a rather massive overhaul of this theme. One of the css files has become a catch-all for adjustments, so I am in the process of splitting it into three files which will be combined with the font, color, format files that have been kept separate but which I failed to update over a long period. This is primarily organization of what is already present. The real fun will be to correlate the selectors that are already present with those I defined myself, and where an effective overlap exists, favor the original over my variation.

It seems that there is always more to do or redo with the themes. I hope to eventually revisit the other issues, such as any further improvements to what they call responsive design but which I regard as simply adapting to the viewport size in a useful and legible way. I want to "lint" the CSS and this site a number of ways, so that what we have will be as browser agnostic as possible as well as functional and standards compliant. Other variations may be WCAG compliant or lynx-friendly but those come after the primary theme is much improved. The lynx-friendly theme might very likely involve considerable physical changes (template mods not just CSS adjustments).

I won't be going to work until August 21st I believe, so I have time yet without that distraction, but these efforts are still tempered by my own motivation.
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BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
I had hoped to use a style hack which would make the prefix look more like a shaped button but struggled a bit too much with recent improvements. I intended to expand the style hack to more than just the red TrueNAS, to pre-style other colors which could potentially be used. What we have now is still an improvement but without the hack, so we get a flat "button" with nicer shading and sizing of both the prefix and the text. All color options for prefix in the XenForo config are now going to have this style.
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BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
Alright. Now I have two extreme ends of the spectrum for viewport size. My new 32" UHD 4k monitor has extra small text due to the significant resolution difference, the other is my cell phone which has browser capability on a couple inch screen.

I will have to look into some adjustments to how the text is rendered and whether dpi can be sensed or be a conditional to adjustments.


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
I still intend to make CSS adjustments if possible, in order to keep these forums as aesthetically pleasing and usable on higher dpi viewports. I finally found how to fix firefox to better display pages on a 4K screen. This is done by adjusting an about:config setting. I discovered that mine had been set to .9 which may be default and this could be reason for some oddness in how firefox is different than other browsers.

layout.css.devPixelsPerPx 1.55 seems to be pretty close to perfect. I plan to switch that to other values when attempting to make the themes here adaptive or as good as they can be.

It is particularly annoying that Mozilla codes firefox to do things independently of much of the operating system. This may be a good idea for Windows since Microsoft always seems to want to tell us what it thinks is best and takes that control from us. However, firefox prior to the adjustment, had a tiny UI in addition to rendering web pages tiny as well. Firefox still insists upon using a second set of mouse cursors and at much larger size than my fvwm desktop UI, which is distracting and annoying. I will of course need to adjust fvwm to have a larger mouse cursor as it is just barely usable size as is, but Firefox should NOT override that.

It seems that at least for the *nix/*bsd world that gtk3 is used by firefox and this is what is overriding the mouse cursor settings. So to fix this, or get rid of the gtk choice, I edit a file to remove one line.
Edit ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini to remove or modify the line gtk-cursor-theme-name=whiteglass

If I could have the whiteglass mouse cursor in fvwm, but at equal size for firefox and the rest of the UI, this would be my preference. I may look into it, but now my mouse cursor is the same style and tiny everywhere. :/

I have corrected my size and style settings for my mouse cursor. I now have a decent sized cursor using the whiteglass theme which I have always liked. These changes were made for X and fvwm honors them.
Edit ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources to include lines: Xcursor.theme: whiteglass and Xcursor.size: 22

My default font size for xterm was also modified by adding the line below to ~/.Xdefaults which may still be a little small but it is much better than what I'd normally have.
XTerm*Font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1
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Jan 18, 2017
This reminds me how much web design has changed over the years now that we have such a wild range of devices with varying resolutions, thank you for you continued efforts on improving the site.

To be clear the cursor issue was purely client side right? I know web-pages can change cursors but I dislike it almost every time it happens.


BOfH in User's clothing
May 18, 2016
This reminds me how much web design has changed over the years now that we have such a wild range of devices with varying resolutions, thank you for you continued efforts on improving the site.

To be clear the cursor issue was purely client side right? I know web-pages can change cursors but I dislike it almost every time it happens.

Yes, the whole ofßes-kino-dark.81210/post-604209 is my own struggle with getting my GUI to behave usably with a new 4k monitor. There are no mouse adjustments with the CSS on the forums that I am aware of which cause any issues. I have documented them here for others with a similar situation (which may increase over time as 4k becomes a norm) and for my own records. And also, as I mentioned previously, as a reminder that extreme resolution is as much an issue as the tiny viewport one may have.
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