Fatal trap 12: page fault on ZFS volume mount

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Apr 8, 2018
Hi all,
Hope someone can guide me or break the bad news. I'm ZFS and BSD newbie. I'm seeing this problem, which occurred on its own and took NAS service away and I'm trying to troubleshoot. Below is the screenshot of the problem


Hardware & Software Info:
- HP Microserver NL40 with 8GB RAM
- RocketRAID 2720 RAID Card
- 4x2TB HDD configured in RAID 5
- FreeNAS 10.3-STABLE

What have I tried so far?
- I can login to 'single user mode' and am able to mount zfs volume in read-only. (through which I have copied most of the important data)

- If I try to change zfs volume the to read/write (reading instructions from here - https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E36784_01/html/E36835/gazuf.html) I'm seeing the same page fault error.
- If I exit 'single user mode' system boots but complains about the read-only file system, but none of the services come up.

Thanks for reading and hoping, I could get all my data back!


  • IMG_5258.jpg
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Old Man
May 28, 2011
Hardware & Software Info:
- HP Microserver NL40 with 8GB RAM
- RocketRAID 2720 RAID Card
- 4x2TB HDD configured in RAID 5
- FreeNAS 10.3-STABLE
Based on what you have posted and da0 appears to be a single 5.7TB drive, it appears that you are using FreeNAS incorrectly and you are using a RAID controller in RAID5 configuration. This is not good. If this is not the case then please clarify.

Read the FreeNAS User Guide and Recommended Hardware Guide in the Resources section.
Jan 7, 2015
Are you presenting these drives in RAID5 to freenas? So Freenas only sees one disk? I know that at one point FN did not play well with Highpoint RR cards. That has been some time ago tho.

Is this a new install? Or this is existing and just started?

In the meantime id suggest smart testing each hard drive.


Apr 8, 2018
@joeschmuck, yes it shows up as one drive as RAID is managed by RocketRAID. I use to run a Linux on the same hardware before I switched to FreeNAS 3 years ago. And have had no problem from last three years until now.

@John Digital I had FreeNAS installed 3 years ago sometime in 2015 and never had a problem with the RAID card. It's not a fresh install I have been upgrading it over the years. I will run the smart testing on each drive to check if anything has failed. By the way RAID cards indicates all drives to be of normal health. I suppose I need to run a test on each one of them to find out if any of them developed bad sectors.
Jan 7, 2015
Your in a bit of a pickle then. You need to get all of the drives SMART tested, replace the faulty drives if applicable and try mounting again, then see about getting your data if need be. Ultimately you will want to be rid of that RR.

Let us know how it goes. Good luck!


Old Man
May 28, 2011
And have had no problem from last three years until now.
Unfortunately we hear this type of statement all the time. All is fine until one or more of the drives start failing, doens't matter if it's a normal setup or like what you have. Too many people blindly think thier data is safe without fully understanding how the system works and maintenance that needs to be performed. I'm not trying to give you grief, just saying that you are not alone and it's a tradgety.

I will run the smart testing on each drive to check if anything has failed.
How do you do that since you have it on a RAID card? Please note that you need to run the "extended/long" test, not the short test.

I too highly advice that you backup your data if you can and then take it from there. I also would stop using the RR card if you plan to use FreeNAS, but you can take any risk you feel is okay.

Good luck and please report back, it would be nice to hear that you were able to recover you data.
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