FreeNAS Shark name ?
Background of my previous post "Could there be a hidden meaning?":
The original 'mascot' of BSD UNIX is a little red devil named Beastie (A play on B-S-D)

More info here :
We all know the penguin is the mascot for linux.
I noticed that the FreeNAS 8 mascot/logo is a shark and started thinking...
Sharks eat penguins right ?

The I went looking for a nice shark avatar and ran across the "Shark Week" pics...
Then the famous Dah-Dum Dah-Dum music from jaws on you-tube (post titled: Bruce) but I don't know the name of the shark in jaws... (I know "google it"... pfft!)
And of course every parent and grand-parent knows the sharks from "Finding Nemo" of which one was named Bruce...
I grabbed an avatar of Bruce from 'Nemo'
I chose that particular avatar pic because he's at once Happy and Smiling and also a looming threat (looking for a penguin lunch?)
Then I began really wondering what the FreeNAS Shark is or should be named ?
Freennis? Like Dennis but with long E sound (playing on freenas) or Bruce D. another toying with the B-S-D Beastie sort of ?
Effinate (FN8) like: I Effinate penguins

! or I already Effinate lunch;).
Lol, I just thought of another one: Brewster (or BruceStir, Bruiseter etc.) from Brewster the Rooster fame. Please let me know if you don't know the story of 'Brewster the Rooster'.
I'd really like to hear from someone who is or knows who is responsible for the FreeNAS shark logo/mascot what the story is behind it? Is it related to Beastie in any way? Are there 'other' versions or revisions of the shark? A softer,gentler version similar to Beastie ?
And I'd love to hear others' choices for names for the FreeNAS Shark unless we find out he/she already has a name. A poll was suggested... Thoughts on that...?
Well that's been fun...