Convert app hostpath permission from Unix to NFSv4


Oct 16, 2022
I set up the official homepage app on TrueNAS scale, and set a host path for the config volume to a dataset I created. The app set the permissions for the dataset itself to be a Unix permission and granted user 1000 and group 1000 Read|Write|Execute rights.
I have two questions:
1. I can not find what user or group 1000 is. It does not appear in the list (built-in) of users. It used to stand for the first non-built-in user one coud create, but that changed to 3000 as far as I know. What does user 1000 actually stand for?
2. I want the filebrowser app to write to the dataset. How can I convert the Unix-based permissions to NFSv4 to grant the apps user access and don't cut off the access for the homepage app?

Many thanks!