Had this board and freenas working, for the most part, for about 3 years now. Yesterday, I shutdown server properly, unplugged and dusted it out with my air compressor. Plugged it back in, powered up for a few seconds, doesn't post, and shuts down. The only way I can get it to power on again is to unplug the power cord and plug back in and it still does the same thing. I reseated the memory, even moved sticks to different slots. Reseated hard drive power and sata cables. Reseated board power cable. Reseated some fan connections. Powered on with no peripherals plugged in. All with no luck to post or stay on more than a few seconds.
I'm really hoping responses are not that I have to replace the board. Any suggestions appreciated.
I'm really hoping responses are not that I have to replace the board. Any suggestions appreciated.