Any possible way of installing a driver.


Dec 5, 2021
I know that this may sound like a bad idea but I really hope to get this to work.

So, basically what happens is that I wanted to upgrade my motherboard on-board NIC (It is a Realtek and it has worked just fine) which was just 10mb/s, with a TG-3468 tp-link NIC with is 1Gbps, but the problem, as you may have guessed, is that truenas doesn't have a driver built-in for it, which doesn't mean there isn't a driver for that card because I searched on a blog and found a driver for it (you can take a look at the blog here:
You may ask why didn't I just followed the installation process of that post? At the part when it says "mount_msdosfs /dev/da1 /mnt/usb", the shells returns "Invalid argument" which means the usb stick cant be accessed. And, yes, it is in FAT, meaning that there is something messing around that I haven't find out (I was in root access in case you doubt). Another option that I'm considering right now is to recompile a custom kernel. I know that if I do that, I wont be running native Truenas and probably wont be able to update, but to be honest, I just want my server running with the card, no more. If anyone could tell me how to recompile the kernel or tell me where i can find documentation about it I will appreciate it very much. Even if you can help me understand why in the shell part appears me that return.


Resident Grinch
May 29, 2011
Add a loader tunable "if_re_load" set to YES.

If the interface still isn't detected, then it is probably one of the sketchy Realtek 8111's that won't be supported under modern FreeBSD. You might have better luck with TrueNAS Scale, but, either way, the interface sucks and is unlikely to perform well.