it broke plugins vnet, I fixed that already. it broke smb shares (I couldn't delete files, or create new ones), I fixed that already too. now I've found plex can't delete media files, and while I try to modify or create a new mount point for the jail, I get a traceback. I started a separate thread for that issue.
I deleted a storage volume, and removed it from the system, but it's still set as a mount point for a jail. I get a traceback when I try to remove that mountpoint, and I can't start the jail with it configured. luckily I can live without this jail for now.
I also don't know what issues I haven't found yet, and while I'm down to try to fix the plex thing, I'd much rather just downgrade than deal with more of these sorts of problems. it sure seems like a lot of rather significant problems for one upgrade.