Warden Export - File not found

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Nick Longo

Jan 30, 2015
Quick back story. I have a FreeNAS machine I setup to learn and evaluate FreeNAS. I am now setting up a more permanent installation so there are a couple Jails I want to move.

I'm running "warden export JAIL_NAME --dir=jail_exports
The folder "jail_exports" is off my current directory and I'm running the command as root.
I get the following output:
"Creating compressed archive of bacula... Please Wait...
Created bacula.wdn in jail_exports/" <--note i've tried with and without the trailing '/' on the export directory.

Yet when it's done the bacula.wdn (as an example) file is no where to be found. It's not in jail_exports or anywhere else that I can find. I've tried this now multiple times with different jails, different export directories, etc. with the same problem. I'm completely lost.

I have not been able to find anywhere where warden might be creating a log file to search for an error. Of course I also would have expected some output that would have indicated an error but i see no indications of an error accept there is no file to be found.

Any thoughts/help is appreciated.

Nick Longo

Jan 30, 2015
Ok, yet again I solved my own problem. Apparently the export directory must be an absolute vs. relative path.
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