Unable to access shares and smb won't start. errors everywhere

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Apr 10, 2018
I went to transfer a movie to my share, and it was disconnected, so i logged into my esxi to see what was going on. i must confess i didn't pay attention, i just rebooted, that usually solves issues for me.
It did not..... now i cant access my shares, and i cant get smb to start. i keep getting something about cifs errors. i took a snapshot, and then created a new vm of freenas so that i could further diagnose the problem. i imported the volumes, and instantly was getting write failure no space on disk errors. i panicked and went back to the original instance of freenas, and it says the same thing, but they arent full..... so i dont know what the problem is. i just need help getting my data to work and figuring out the issue.
tell me if you need any info from me.
Apr 10, 2018
my first assumption is that the volumes i imported don't have the original datasets, and that is where i am getting one issue. I don't know how to recover those datasets.
I am running 11.1U4. i had no issues before updating.
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