Transmission says permission denied on download

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Grimm Spector

Jan 28, 2018
So I have some storage attached to Transmissions jail, and I've set the three location options in the plugins extra configuration area in FreeNAS to the storage I gave to it. But when I launch it's web interface it tries to use a mount point that is inside FreeNAS disk system, i.e. /mnt/ZVOL/Dataset, as opposed to it's own local path /mnt/storage. This is pretty strange, but whether I correct that to one of it's local paths, or I leave it to some theoretically valid FreeNAS path that it should not be able to see, it will not download anything. It gets a few megabytes of data and then fails and stops saying:
Error: permission denied (pathname)

Where pathname is actually the path that I set in the webuis options menu. It seems to not care what paths i set for it in the FreeNAS config menu under plugins in the navtree.

I've tried many different paths, and I do not know why it's giving me this error, unless it needs some special unique permissions setup, which would be problematic given I have other things operating off the datasets I'd prefer it use. I thought that the plugin storage mounting system go around those sorts of problems.

I'd love to know how to fix this so I can actually use this plugin...thanks!
Jan 4, 2014
Transmission (UID 921) needs to be the owner of the directories both inside and outside the jail. More info here.


Dec 15, 2013
Tried all that. Transmission is owner of downloads directory within it's jail and outside it's jail. Transmission_user was set to transmission. Transmission user was added to nobody group just as a precaution since Downloads dataset must have a group owner even if unchecking to assign to a group.
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