Strange headphones settings artefact

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Jul 4, 2016
Hello folks,

Running 9.10.2-U3 on an AMD Phenom platform with 16GB RAM for home use.

Got a real strange one (for me anyway). I recently had cause to delete the one and only headphones jail that I have had running for at least a couple of years. I had tried to make a change to the search providers section unsuccessfully and began to experience strange behaviour. Specifically, I was removing the three or so custom newznab providers I had previously configured in favour of a single all-singing all-dancing newly set-up nzbhydra instance (plugin jail) on my freenas. Settings were not saving correctly and the various check boxes to "enable/disable" each provider, the content of the host/api boxes and the "remove" buttons were all exhibiting very odd behaviour (shifting order, not deleting upon hitting remove etc.)

I took some screen captures of the original settings tabs for reference, made a note of the storage mounted to the jail in freenas and disabled the plugin in the GUI.

I set about knife and forking the config.ini in /var/db/headphones, but I was unable to fix the problem. For reference this original long-standing jail was assigned the ip address and mac 02:ff:b0:00:07:0b and was called headphones_1

I created a second headphones jail (headphones_2) which was assigned the ip address and mac 02:ff:b0:00:0a:0b. This worked perfectly from the get-go and the weird behaviour in the settings section had disappeared - I was faced with a blank canvas with none of the user entered fields populated and no artefacts; so I set about filling in the blanks from my screen captures and everything was great.............until I had the bright idea to change the IP address of the jail back to the original - at which point, the search providers settings page exhibited the same behaviour as before and was overwritten by what I am deeming an artefact from the original corrupt plugin jail. It was again unfixable.

At this point, I threw my toys out of my pram, took a backup of my headphones.db file, removed the storage from the jails and deleted both plugins entirely!

I also rebooted the freenas here.

I installed the headphones plugin again which became headphones_1 and I assigned this plugin jail the Ip address I browsed to the settings page and as expected - a blank canvas with no artefacts. I made no changes, i.e. I left the settings untouched from install with none of the blank fields populated. I disabled the plugin, shutdown the jail, assigned it the ip address and restarted the jail and plugin.......guess what? Even though I had not mad ANY changes to the settings tabs, all sorts of stuff was suddenly there as if by sabnzbd server with it's custom non-standard port and API key were there.....and on the search providers tab, an old newznab provider I had originally configured not he original jail and its API key were populated. Again, I was unable to make the changes to the newznab providers section with any degree of success :-(

Something is being cached somewhere (and it's not my browser - cleared everything from both browsers I use and I've tried iPad, iMac, MacBook, Windoze desktop, even firefox from a raspberry pi running max2play - all with the same results)

For now I have a working solution: I will stick to a fresh build with the ip address, but my OCD is telling me to get this fixed and restore zen to my freenas.

Help! What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? It has to be something simple surely!




Apr 11, 2016
My (and FreeNAS's) Zen is restored promptly with a ZFS snapshot rollback. As jails are living within separate datasets a recursive snapshot policy on the pool will take care of single jail restores whenever something goes wrong.


Jul 4, 2016
Thanks styno - great suggestion! I've just had another good long play with it and I think I've moved past whatever the artefact was. I installed another previously unused plugin from the list, gave it the same mac as the original and set it's IP to - as per the original. I went through the basic web config of the new plugin (I chose sonarr) and then deleted the plugin completely. This appears to have overwritten whatever was being cached against and/or the original jail MAC.

At this point, I created a new headphones plugin jail (headphones_1) gave it the same mac as the original, and the same IP: I took a snapshot of the new jail before proceeding any further.

I then proceeded through the config, snapshotting at each step of the way through to completion. All appears good in the world now, as touch wood, it has remained stable for the last hour. Zen restored :smile: Thanks again.

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