Hi Everyone,
I've been running the following setup for ~1.5yrs, and while it's been bulletproof (*knock on wood*), I'm running out of storage (~85% full).
MB: X10SL7-F
CPU: E3-1241 v3
HDD: 6x4TB HGST Deskstar NAS 7200RPM (RAID-Z2)
RAM: 32GB Crucial ECC
Boot: 2x16GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit CZ33
Case: NZXT Source 210 (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146075) [I'd like to reuse this if possible]
(note that this has 8x3.5" bays and 3x5.25" bays so I purchased a 2x5.25" to 3x3.5" and 1x5.25" to 1x3.5" + 2x2.5" adapter so I have a total of 12x3.5" bays and 2x2.5" bays)
This is mostly for Plex, home picture/video backup, PC backups. Usually 1 user but sometimes up to 2. I've recently acquired 8x8TB WD Red/White 5400RPM NAS HDD's via WD Easystore's and I'm looking for input on what you would do to upgrade storage? I was thinking of these options (leaning towards #1 right now):
1.) Replace existing 4TB HDD's one by one with 8TB HDD's (increases storage from 16TB to 32TB, leaves room for a future _TBx6 RAID-Z2, can re-purpose existing 4TB HDD's for something else, leaves 2 spare 8TB HDD's, similar power consumption, similar performance, least overall storage initially, more flexibility later)
2.) Add another 6x8TB RAID-Z2 (increases storage from 16TB to 48TB, maxes out available 3.5" bays, leaves 2 spare 8TB HDD's, more power consumption, similar or better performance?, mid overall storage initially, mid flexibility later)
3.) Start over with 11(?)x8TB RAID-Z3 (increases storage from 16TB to 64TB, maxes out available 3.5" bays, need to buy more 8TB HDD's, more power consumption, worse performance?, most overall storage initially, least flexibility later)
I have a few additional questions/concerns:
- X10SL7-F is limited to 32GB RAM. Should I be concerned about this as I increase to 32TB+ of storage (1GB RAM per 1TB HDD rule)?
- X10SL7-F has 8xSAS2 ports (via LSI), 4xSATA3.0, 2xSATA6.0. Is it ok to mix and match HDD's on these ports?
- Some transcoding and it's usually 1, sometimes 2 users using Plex at a time (although I could see 2-3 users being more common in the future). Also planning on adding more 4K/HEVC content. Is E3-1241 v3 sufficient or should I be looking at upgrading the CPU?
- Mixing and matching existing 4TB 64MB Cache 7200RPM HDD's with 8TB 256MB Cache 5400RPM HDD's (separate VDevs) is ok right?
Sorry for the long post, but hopefully this paints a clear picture of what I have going on. Everyone's expertise/opinion is more than welcome!
I've been running the following setup for ~1.5yrs, and while it's been bulletproof (*knock on wood*), I'm running out of storage (~85% full).
MB: X10SL7-F
CPU: E3-1241 v3
HDD: 6x4TB HGST Deskstar NAS 7200RPM (RAID-Z2)
RAM: 32GB Crucial ECC
Boot: 2x16GB SanDisk Cruzer Fit CZ33
Case: NZXT Source 210 (https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811146075) [I'd like to reuse this if possible]
(note that this has 8x3.5" bays and 3x5.25" bays so I purchased a 2x5.25" to 3x3.5" and 1x5.25" to 1x3.5" + 2x2.5" adapter so I have a total of 12x3.5" bays and 2x2.5" bays)
This is mostly for Plex, home picture/video backup, PC backups. Usually 1 user but sometimes up to 2. I've recently acquired 8x8TB WD Red/White 5400RPM NAS HDD's via WD Easystore's and I'm looking for input on what you would do to upgrade storage? I was thinking of these options (leaning towards #1 right now):
1.) Replace existing 4TB HDD's one by one with 8TB HDD's (increases storage from 16TB to 32TB, leaves room for a future _TBx6 RAID-Z2, can re-purpose existing 4TB HDD's for something else, leaves 2 spare 8TB HDD's, similar power consumption, similar performance, least overall storage initially, more flexibility later)
2.) Add another 6x8TB RAID-Z2 (increases storage from 16TB to 48TB, maxes out available 3.5" bays, leaves 2 spare 8TB HDD's, more power consumption, similar or better performance?, mid overall storage initially, mid flexibility later)
3.) Start over with 11(?)x8TB RAID-Z3 (increases storage from 16TB to 64TB, maxes out available 3.5" bays, need to buy more 8TB HDD's, more power consumption, worse performance?, most overall storage initially, least flexibility later)
I have a few additional questions/concerns:
- X10SL7-F is limited to 32GB RAM. Should I be concerned about this as I increase to 32TB+ of storage (1GB RAM per 1TB HDD rule)?
- X10SL7-F has 8xSAS2 ports (via LSI), 4xSATA3.0, 2xSATA6.0. Is it ok to mix and match HDD's on these ports?
- Some transcoding and it's usually 1, sometimes 2 users using Plex at a time (although I could see 2-3 users being more common in the future). Also planning on adding more 4K/HEVC content. Is E3-1241 v3 sufficient or should I be looking at upgrading the CPU?
- Mixing and matching existing 4TB 64MB Cache 7200RPM HDD's with 8TB 256MB Cache 5400RPM HDD's (separate VDevs) is ok right?
Sorry for the long post, but hopefully this paints a clear picture of what I have going on. Everyone's expertise/opinion is more than welcome!