[SOLVED] Join Active Directory - how to start anew?

Patrick M. Hausen

Hall of Famer
Nov 25, 2013
Hi all,

I accidentally joined two systems with the same netbios name ("truenas" - duh!) to my domain and now I have trouble leaving and properly re-joyning. One of the systems is throwing this SQLite error:
(sqlite3.IntegrityError) FOREIGN KEY constraint failed [SQL: UPDATE directoryservice_activedirectory SET id=?, ad_domainname=?, ad_bindname=?, ad_bindpw=?, ad_verbose_logging=?, ad_allow_trusted_doms=?, ad_use_default_domain=?, ad_allow_dns_updates=?, ad_disable_freenas_cache=?, ad_restrict_pam=?, ad_site=?, ad_timeout=?, ad_dns_timeout=?, ad_nss_info=?, ad_enable=?, ad_kerberos_realm_id=?, ad_kerberos_principal=?, ad_createcomputer=? WHERE directoryservice_activedirectory.id = ?] [parameters: (1, 'INTERN.PUNKT.DE', 'Administrator', '55uu6PafvDVaBwwmQAa5x/G7i9IvgEM9inbD7GUBVaFIA1/Sin+t+Q==', 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, '', 60, 10, None, 1, 1, '', '', 1)] (Background on this error at: https://sqlalche.me/e/14/gkpj)

What do I need to wipe to get a fresh start? I already removed the computer account directly on the domain controller.

Patrick M. Hausen

Hall of Famer
Nov 25, 2013
Still no banana:
root@truenas-ffm[~]# net rpc join -U Administrator
Password for [INTERN\Administrator]:
Failed to join domain: failed to find DC for domain INTERN - The object was not found.

Nameservers are of course pointing to the domain controllers and do work.

Patrick M. Hausen

Hall of Famer
Nov 25, 2013
Nobody? I hate to poke you directly @anodos - when you find the time, greatly appreciated.

I was able to repair the new system that started my mess by doing a factory reset and re-joining. For the older one I would rather avoid that, since I have four interfaces, one LAGG, VLANs, jails and VMs ... recreating all of the config won't be fun. I'd rather mess with the SQLite DB first.

The system that I successfully re-joined shows some odd behaviour, though. Domain name "intern.punkt.de", NT name "INTERN". net usersidlist works as does pw user show -a.

But this gives an error:
root@truenas-ffm[~]# net rpc info
Unable to find a suitable server for domain INTERN

Is this to be expected? samba-tool is not yet part of TrueNAS CORE, right?

Patrick M. Hausen

Hall of Famer
Nov 25, 2013
I ended up doing a full factory reset of both units and recreating the configuration. Everything working, now.

Does nobody use TrueNAS with Active Directory?