I needed to clean up some space, because volume has hit the 80 %. So I started to delete a lot of large files, which I didn't need any more, like large downloads etc. After that I noticed, that little to none space was freed through this.
So I thought about snapshots. Listing the snapshots in the gui didn't give me any large snapshots, maybe 10 about 5G, but I most likely deleted files like 400G.
That felt a little strange. So I started to use the shell. Looked like the same result as in the gui (output shortened to the relevant snapshot):
So this snapshot does not use any space, right? I decided to destroy snapshots:
How can this snapshot silently use 408G...obviously I don't understand snapshots. Could anyone explain that to me?
So I thought about snapshots. Listing the snapshots in the gui didn't give me any large snapshots, maybe 10 about 5G, but I most likely deleted files like 400G.
That felt a little strange. So I started to use the shell. Looked like the same result as in the gui (output shortened to the relevant snapshot):
zfs list -ro space -t all
daten/austausch@auto-20180512.1700-2m - 0 - - - -
So this snapshot does not use any space, right? I decided to destroy snapshots:
zfs list -t snapshot -o name | grep ^daten/austausch@auto | tail -n +16 | xargs -n 1 zfs destroy -vr
will destroy daten/austausch@auto-20180512.1700-2m
will reclaim 408G
How can this snapshot silently use 408G...obviously I don't understand snapshots. Could anyone explain that to me?