smartctl and contradictionary disk status.


Jan 3, 2018
I am using TrueNAS-12.0-U8.1 core running on a HP microserver gen6or7 (n36l) with 16GB of RAM and four HGST HDN726060. I am trying to sort out arranging my disks to spin down when not in use. There are a number of issues the first of which is with smartctl itself. As can be seen the disk is a HGST Deskstar.

I have been playing with the following three commands
smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -n standby
smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -d sat -n standby
smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -d sat,auto -n standby

With the disk spinning I get the following.
        smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -n standby
                smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p14 amd64] (local build)
                Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
                === START OF INFORMATION SECTION ===
                Model Family:     HGST Deskstar NAS
                Device Model:     HGST HDN726060ALE614
                Serial Number:    K1HJDTAB
                LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 255d58d6f
                Firmware Version: APGNW7JH
                User Capacity:    6,001,175,126,016 bytes [6.00 TB]
                Sector Sizes:     512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
                Rotation Rate:    7200 rpm
                Form Factor:      3.5 inches
                Device is:        In smartctl database [for details use: -P show]
                ATA Version is:   ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
                SATA Version is:  SATA 3.1, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 3.0 Gb/s)
                Local Time is:    Fri May 27 09:35:36 2022 BST
                SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
                SMART support is: Enabled
                Power mode is:    ACTIVE or IDLE

        smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -d sat -n standby
                smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p14 amd64] (local build)
                Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.or

                Device is in SLEEP mode, exit(2)

        smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -d sat,auto -n standby
                smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p14 amd64] (local build)
                Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
                Smartctl open device: /dev/ada0 [SCSI/SAT] failed: INQUIRY [SAT]: Input/output error

With the disk spun down I get the following.
        smartctl -i /dev/ada0  -n standby
                smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p14 amd64] (local build)
                Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

                Device is in STANDBY mode, exit(2)

        smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -d sat -n standby
                smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p14 amd64] (local build)
                Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

                Device is in SLEEP mode, exit(2)

        smartctl -i /dev/ada0 -d sat,auto -n standby
                smartctl 7.2 2020-12-30 r5155 [FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p14 amd64] (local build)
                Copyright (C) 2002-20, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
                Smartctl open device: /dev/ada0 [SCSI/SAT] failed: INQUIRY [SAT]: Input/output error

With the disk spinning why do I get the contradictory status reports, and why does "-d sat,auto" fail.

Thanks in advance


Jan 3, 2018
Further to the above, I realised I was confusing sata disks with the sat device type. But smartctl also fails with "-d ata" the only thing that works is "-d auto". What is special about "auto"? This may be related to raid controller in the microserver, but I am using AHCI mode .

However I discovered which suggests there may be an issue with smartctl version 7.2.

So how soon might it be before truenas adopts smartctl 7.3? Or is it sensible to install the latest BDS smartmontools myself?