Serving media from FreeNas 8.3.1 to (through) Topfield TRF-7170

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Mar 2, 2013
My xbox 360 digital output seem to have shat itself - the analog only produce sound on one channel using cable setup (one hdmi & separate analog/digital sound output)
When using the standard cable (the one with Tv switch etc) which in turn prevent hdmi output, I get no sound at all.
Noticed that I can get sound from one channel if I short out one of the analog connectors going into my amp.

Think the problem is linked to both analog and digital output from my xbox 360 - Since two cables is producing similar issues I don't think its the cable(s) - more likely to be hardware connector issues on the xbox itself. - anyone with suggestion on how to solve this please let me know

Created this post to see if a nice workaround to allow me to stream FreeNas media (minDLNA) to my Topfield TRF-7170
The topbox have a Media player interface but it don't seem to look for media other than what's stored on the topfield top box itself.
Curious if anyone know if it would be possible to stream my media through my topfield rather than my xbox and what/how I would go about setting up my topfield 7170 to recognize my freeNAS streamed media ?

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