Please disregard. I changed from TLS to SSL and test message was sent successfully.
Hello all. Thank you for having me. First time post. Have had FreeNas up and running for approx one day. FreeNAS-8.2.0-RELEASE-p1-x86 (r11950)
So far so good!
The only issue that I appear to be having is sending out a test email. I assume that I have configured the email parameters correctly. Here is what I have done:
From email: (same address used as root email address)
Outgoing mail server:
Port to connect to: 465 (have aslo tried 587 with same result)
Use SMTP Authentication: Checked
Password: myGmailPassword
Password confirmation: myGmailPassword
When I click "Send Test email" I do not receive an error. Nor do I receive a "Message sent successfully" either.
Ultimately, I never do receive the test email.
I am stumped. Your assistance would be greatly appreciate. Thank you. Peter
Hello all. Thank you for having me. First time post. Have had FreeNas up and running for approx one day. FreeNAS-8.2.0-RELEASE-p1-x86 (r11950)
So far so good!
The only issue that I appear to be having is sending out a test email. I assume that I have configured the email parameters correctly. Here is what I have done:
From email: (same address used as root email address)
Outgoing mail server:
Port to connect to: 465 (have aslo tried 587 with same result)
Use SMTP Authentication: Checked
Password: myGmailPassword
Password confirmation: myGmailPassword
When I click "Send Test email" I do not receive an error. Nor do I receive a "Message sent successfully" either.
Ultimately, I never do receive the test email.
I am stumped. Your assistance would be greatly appreciate. Thank you. Peter