SABnzbd can't see mount points to create it's temp and completed folder

Aug 6, 2022
I'm new to Truenas and new to using SABNZbd using Version: TrueNAS-13.0-U1 and sabnzbd version 3.6.0 off a fresh install via the GUI. I'm really struggling to get SABnzbd setup and pointed at the right downloads folder which would be in my PlexMedia dataset. I don't want SABnzbd to be downloading anything into it's jail. Originally I had SABnzbd pointed inside the Downloads dataset but I learned that that would make copying files between completed folder and Plex much slower.

I've been following this guide: but am stuck.

Here is a picture of my pool dataset:

Here is what the folders look like in PlexMedia:

Here is the mounts:


Here's what the SABnzbd web interface sees which is nothing

If I try to force it it doesn't like it.

A friend suggested it is file permissions issues but SABnzbd has all the same permissions as the Plex Plugin (I set them to be in the same usergroup) and Plex is working fine. I've read that messing with ACLs inside the iocage jails is a quick way to break things so i haven't touched them. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Aug 6, 2022
Thinking it was a folder permissions issue here's what I tried to reset to a blank slate and try again:
  • deleted the jails for everything that didn't work: Sonarr, Radarr, Prowlarr, qBittorent, SABnzbd
  • clicked "strip ACL" for my PlexMedia dataset, then on the new ACL re-added Plex and verified it was working
  • I created a group PexMedia_Access_ARRs that all the *arr plugins I install will go into for permissions
  • gave them Modify permissions for PlexMedia dataset and made sure "apply recursively" was checked
  • added group SABnzbd for PlexMedia dataset and made sure "apply recursively" was checked
  • Re-installed the plugins to their own jails via GUI. I know the guide uses command line but the TrueNas shell wont let me copy and paste commands in
When I was re-intsalling Sonarr it gave me "chmod: /usr/local/sonarr: No such file or directory" which might be some of the problems. Sonarr has the same issues as SABnzbd where it can't see mount points or content. Currently I have no idea how to resolve this as forum hunting shows this a common unresolved issue.

I then mounted sabnzbd to:
/mnt/Mirrored Storage/iocage/jails/sabnzbd/root/mnt/Downloads to /mnt/Mirrored Storage/PlexMedia/Downloads

but unfortunately the folders are still blank, even after stopping/starting the plugin and then the jail.

I've basically spend most of my weekend Friday night-Sunday night trying to get these programs to work and there don't seem to be a lot of guides out there that provide troubleshooting walkthroughs. Honestly I might start looking into other OS options, since everything except installing Plex has not worked