Problems with CIFS Share - Using LiveID logins Window 8.1

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May 21, 2014
So to give a brief background the layout of the volume/Datasets.

->>>/users (dataset)
->>>>/userxyzabc1 (dataset)
/mnt/Main-1 and /users have permissions set to nobody as user and wheel as group

The underlying problem. I can not navigate to the share from Windows 8.1 explorer using my normal LIVE ID login which is the new login methodology for windows 8 to keep all your desktops in sync. There are two reasons for this, I believe. When I create the user from FreeNas GUI it will not allow me to get the full length of the login/username and most likely will not like the @ or the "." . ie With this username FreeNas GUI will not allow me any further then the more then the "i" in gmail which is almost half the 32 allowed in a 'nix' name. Maybe it is caused by windows encoding being unicode?

I then thought, well maybe there is a local username in windows so I checked the environment variables and the username is indeed = userxyzabc1 so I created the user as that in FreeNas Gui. Created a CIFS Share to the users directory specified above, added the user to the wheel group since it needs to have read/execute permissions on each level of the tree to access its final user directory(which still to me seems a bit odd also, why can it not just have direct access to only the folder specified without having to add the user to all permissions for each level in the tree).

I also have made sure the users directory permissions had the userxyzabc1/userxyzabc1, Windows acl, and read/write/execute permissions on Owner/Group.

With these settings I expected it to work and allow me to navigate in Windows Explorer to FREENAS and then double click into the userxyzabc1 share. Wrong. Errors out and says authentication failed. So I manually type in userxyzabc1 and password. Nothing still so lets go down the path of FREENAS\userxyzabc1 and password. Nothing still.

Only way I can actually get it to work is Map a Network drive to \\FREENAS\userxyzabc1 and specify that I want to use different credentials and I then put FREENAS\userxyzabc1 and the password and finally it works.

When looking at the samba logs after doing a standard navigation via Explorer into this share via the network connections it is using the live ID login which is But even when I get prompted for the credentials and I use the same username and pass as the mapping of the drive above, the samba logs still indicate failure but does not indicate which username was trying to be attempted.

Any Ideas?


So after doing some research the username with those characters are valid, so now the only question is why is FreeNAS GUI not allowing more than 16 characters. Just to make sure, if I were to add the user from the shell it would not be stored in the Freenas Configuration DB correct? Meaning the username will not be in the backup?
adduser and addgroup enforce conformity to IEEE Std
1003.1-2001, which allows only the following characters to
appear in group and user names: letters, digits, underscores,
periods, at signs (@) and dashes. The name may no start with
a dash. The "$" sign is allowed at the end of usernames (to
conform to samba).

System Specs:
Running GUI from Chrome

BuildFreeNAS- (80c1d35)
PlatformIntel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G3420 @ 3.20GHz


May 21, 2014
Unless you want to control it at the shell prompt the reasons were found here( Wish I could have found this a bit sooner but didn't pop in most searches. Sorry for the wasted thread as I know that its a pain to see same questions. But fresh freenas user here so still getting familiar.

So with this note: I/You will have to create a shorter user name in freenas and create the mapped drive manually by opening up My Computer or the Computer explorer and finding the Map Network Drive icon above and create a mapping there. Choosing -> Use different Credentials and use the FREENAS\username credentials and the drive will map.

ie: Select drive letter then enter the UNC Path -> \\FREENAS\usershare. Then Click Use Different Credentials and enter Username=FREENAS\username Password=password. Hit "Ok/Apply".

Navigating to FREENAS in explorer and trying to map from there WILL fail even when you specify credentials when it asks. I have tried this a couple dozen times. My guess is its a bug in the Windows explorer interface or something. Not like Microsoft ever has bugs in its OS. LOL. Being a 'Microsoft shop' programmer I find em all the time...


May 21, 2014
What are you using my thread for these rants? Please open a new thread if you don't like whats happening. Ya got a problem, thats fine with me, but dont use my legitimate thread please.


Server Wrangler
Feb 15, 2014
What are you using my thread for these rants? Please open a new thread if you don't like whats happening. Ya got a problem, thats fine with me, but dont use my legitimate thread please.

Just ignore the troll(s), messages are typically quickly deleted.
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