i have some problems with my FreeNAS-SMB Shares:
On Freenas 9.10.2 U6 i have the follwoing users and groups and datasets:
user "freenas" - member of group "freenas"
user "movie" - member of group "movie"
Dataset /freenas/hdd1 --> owner "root" group "freenas"
Dataset /freenas/movie --> owner "root" group "movie"
(this is a directory under hdd1 ---> /hdd1/movie)
I can read all shares inside Windows 10, but i can´t write with user freenas or user movie. I only have full access when i connect inside windows with the user "root" to my freenas-share.
When i look into access-credentials inside win10, user freenas has NO wirte access, only reading.
On freenas dataset permission there is
--> user x x x
--> group x x x
--> guest x - x
Any ideas why i can´t connect with the user freenas and get write access?
i have some problems with my FreeNAS-SMB Shares:
On Freenas 9.10.2 U6 i have the follwoing users and groups and datasets:
user "freenas" - member of group "freenas"
user "movie" - member of group "movie"
Dataset /freenas/hdd1 --> owner "root" group "freenas"
Dataset /freenas/movie --> owner "root" group "movie"
(this is a directory under hdd1 ---> /hdd1/movie)
I can read all shares inside Windows 10, but i can´t write with user freenas or user movie. I only have full access when i connect inside windows with the user "root" to my freenas-share.
When i look into access-credentials inside win10, user freenas has NO wirte access, only reading.
On freenas dataset permission there is
--> user x x x
--> group x x x
--> guest x - x
Any ideas why i can´t connect with the user freenas and get write access?