Post removed from public view (reason: Troll-baiting)

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Server Wrangler
Feb 15, 2014


Server Wrangler
Feb 15, 2014
@JoshDW19, I feel it's a bad idea to get rid of the post wholesale. The intro is unnecessary and should probably be removed, but the rest of the post makes good points.

It might be a good idea to bring someone in to specifically address these points. I'm sure many people in the community would value Mr. Gadd's input, as an example, on this matter, especially since the points raised have not been specifically addressed in the other mega-thread. So far, the only points that have been addressed are very specific concerns like "the GUI is too sparse" or "AD occasionally has problems", which really do not need much of a management response beyond "thanks for the feedback, we'll integrate your suggestions, stay tuned".
The really important topic - the processes - deserves more attention than it has gotten.


Community Hall of Fame
May 16, 2016
@JoshDW19, I feel it's a bad idea to get rid of the post wholesale. The intro is unnecessary and should probably be removed, but the rest of the post makes good points.

It might be a good idea to bring someone in to specifically address these points. I'm sure many people in the community would value Mr. Gadd's input, as an example, on this matter, especially since the points raised have not been specifically addressed in the other mega-thread. So far, the only points that have been addressed are very specific concerns like "the GUI is too sparse" or "AD occasionally has problems", which really do not need much of a management response beyond "thanks for the feedback, we'll integrate your suggestions, stay tuned".
The really important topic - the processes - deserves more attention than it has gotten.

Not only was the post removed he has also been issued another warning. He's dangerously close to getting a much longer suspension.

I agree there are some great points there and the process does deserve more attention than it has gotten. However, the post also seems to be wildly off-topic for the thread. If we want to talk about Corral again, I'd suggest splitting off the good points in his post minus the grandstanding and troll-baiting attitude and making a good thread that can facilitate discussion.

I don't want to see the guy go but he has to make some changes if he's going to stay. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening here.


Server Wrangler
Feb 15, 2014
However, the post also seems to be wildly off-topic for the thread.
I disagree, Corral here is just where the story starts, not an endless "but Corral!" thing like we've seen before.

I think we can keep things on track by just removing the few unnecessary bits:

Here's the problem:

FN10 was a fiasco, of course. And though iX ultimately decided to put it out of its (and our) misery, the elephant remains in the room: how did this happen (i.e., what was the series of business decisions that led to "ship this half-baked abominationproduct"), and what will iX do to keep it from happening again? As these are fairly internal business questions, it's understandable you might not want to discuss them publicly, but if you don't do so, you leave the community wondering. The best we have is "trust us, we've really changed." And then we see:
  • Beta releases in the -STABLE update train--we saw this with 11.0, 11.1, and now 11.2. This makes people think the beta is the full release; we've seen that happen in all three of these releases.
  • The Download link on the forum pointing to the Beta, which prompted this thread (and wasn't fixed until three days later).
  • The download page steering people toward the beta, falsely suggesting that 11.1 only handles storage, while the beta adds virtualization and plugins. Between these three, it really seems like a concerted effort to paint the beta as a stable release, when you know it isn't.
  • A series of broken updates. Every 11.1-Un broke iocage networking, and each of them broke it in a different way. We hear that iocage is the way forward with jails, but it's hard to follow that path when it just doesn't work. 11.1-U3, IIRC, very badly broke Samba. An earlier update had a memory leak that brought systems to their knees when trying to do a scrub. I won't catalog the remaining issues; they're discussed in the forums and on the bug tracker.
If I might briefly take the liberty of speaking for your user base, we want to trust you. We want to trust that the developers of software we use every day to store our important data have the wisdom, the motivation, and the skill to do it right. But history like the above makes it hard to do that.


Community Hall of Fame
May 16, 2016
I understand but I respectfully disagree Eric. I don't think Corral is related enough to changing a link on the forums. I'd just split it off and make a new thread with what you posted above. That looks fine to me and it isn't leading with a flame-bait comment.


Server Wrangler
Feb 15, 2014
I see your point, with how the thread began and all. I'll clean this up.
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