Plugins write permission


Apr 28, 2020
Hi all,

So i got Plex Plugin installed and using the Media user & group to set this up.

Was following this command to be exact -

1. Installed plug-in and stopped
2. Add mount points to jail
3. entered shell through jail
4. followed step 2 but instead of /var/db/PLUGIN which i can't seem to find is used /var/run/transmission (idk but it worked)
  • In the jail, add a user with a matching UID as the owner of the data dataset/folders.
    • Code:
      pw useradd -n USER -u UID -d /nonexistent -s /usr/sbin/nologin
  • In the jail, change the user the plugin runs as, and change ownership of the data-directory.
    • Code:
      service PLUGIN onestop
      chown -R USER:GROUP /var/db/PLUGIN
      sysrc 'PLUGIN_user=USER'
      service PLUGIN start

So I did this for my media user & group successfully

then chwon -R media:media /var/db/plex/

then when i go to start the process again it displays this as of below, the process is defiantly not running already, i tried another forums post which was suggesting to create a new directory and then change the ownership to run the process. I tried logging into putty with my media user but didn't work.
