Plex "Media" folder Greyed out after mounting path - Cannot add Media


Mar 25, 2018

I am setting up a Plex Pass Server on an 8 bay FreeNAS Mini (IX Systems Hardware), and have gotten the storage pools setup, data into the pools, the mount point mapped as all directions and past installs, but cannot get plex to map to the media path where I have all of the plex media pointing at.

  1. At this point, I think it is a permissions issue where root does not have the permissions needed to properly access the mounted path, but cannot figure out why...
    1. Pool Permissions are currently Set to Windows
  2. All of the media assets are viewable through finder or file browser within the iocage, and show up under media but plex shows them as greyed out under the library path.
  3. mount Points go from the share to the media folder within the root of the jail as many walkthroughs have noted is the way to go.
  4. Pool Path is properly nested (Full Pool name covered in the photo for privacy - to be referred to as "core"
  5. I have attached the asset permissions listing in the iocage from root ssh into the jail. (Username blocked out but is listed as one of my non root users.

If this is a

At this point I am considering having someone completed a remote session to get this working on my system as I have spent about 5 hours troubleshooting permissions videos, plex installs, completely wiped the server and started from scratch and am losing my mind!

I can post file permissions, network, path information or answer any other questions as needed.

Please help!

FreeNAS 11.2 U7


  • Plex_Media_Grey.png
    741 KB · Views: 1,736
  • Plex_Jail_MountPoints.png
    184.6 KB · Views: 1,589
  • Pool Storage Setup.png
    Pool Storage Setup.png
    229.6 KB · Views: 1,346


Mar 25, 2018
Sorry, a final picture that got missed on the post.


  • Media Assets Permissions.png
    Media Assets Permissions.png
    220.7 KB · Views: 1,382


Jan 2, 2017
Are you plex folder directories permissions Users - root and Group - wheel?

Screenshot_2019-12-23 FreeNAS - 192 168 1 118.png


May 3, 2017
This is entirely a ownership issue and the walkthrough below fixes it. The guy should be commended for sharing this with the world. I would not have figured this out on my own. Nobdody here bothered to read my post below so I will relink it.

FreeNas Plex Pluggin Fix!
Here is a tutorial on how to get your Plex finally working!

I got so frustrated with this problem, that I actually formatted and reinstalled my entire server from scratch as I thought it was a messed up user / permission issue from a Freenas / plugin update. (it was but not from user error).

The exact same problem occurs even when you follow all the Freenas how-to youtube videos to a letter (i.e., setup, dataset, user / group, etc.). I'll bet dollars to donuts that I am not the only one who has this problem or WILL have this problem going forward.

I understand that Freenas attracts a certain, how you say, "paranoid" element of the IT community. I like secure data too. However, I cannot in good conscience understand how or why Plex can't "own" the media folders / mount points by default once you do it via the how-to videos. I really think a cost benefit analysis should be done as to what Freenas is gaining by frustrating the heck out of legions of John Q public users, to satisfy the extreme paranoia of 1-2 advanced users concerning this particular permissions issue. I can assure you all previous versions of Freenas and Plex plugin did not have this problem. This was a deliberate change by someone.


Mar 25, 2018
This is entirely a ownership issue and the walkthrough below fixes it. The guy should be commended for sharing this with the world. I would not have figured this out on my own. Nobdody here bothered to read my post below so I will relink it.

FreeNas Plex Pluggin Fix!
Here is a tutorial on how to get your Plex finally working!

I got so frustrated with this problem, that I actually formatted and reinstalled my entire server from scratch as I thought it was a messed up user / permission issue from a Freenas / plugin update. (it was but not from user error).

The exact same problem occurs even when you follow all the Freenas how-to youtube videos to a letter (i.e., setup, dataset, user / group, etc.). I'll bet dollars to donuts that I am not the only one who has this problem or WILL have this problem going forward.

I understand that Freenas attracts a certain, how you say, "paranoid" element of the IT community. I like secure data too. However, I cannot in good conscience understand how or why Plex can't "own" the media folders / mount points by default once you do it via the how-to videos. I really think a cost benefit analysis should be done as to what Freenas is gaining by frustrating the heck out of legions of John Q public users, to satisfy the extreme paranoia of 1-2 advanced users concerning this particular permissions issue. I can assure you all previous versions of Freenas and Plex plugin did not have this problem. This was a deliberate change by someone.

This is the fix 110%. Thank you!


Jan 2, 2015
This is entirely a ownership issue and the walkthrough below fixes it. The guy should be commended for sharing this with the world. I would not have figured this out on my own. Nobdody here bothered to read my post below so I will relink it.

FreeNas Plex Pluggin Fix!
Here is a tutorial on how to get your Plex finally working!

Thanks! Just wanted to chime in and say this absolutely fixed my issue. Also, the comment on the video about using the -R flag is worth taking note of.

The video, while helpful, is overly long. I skipped to the halfway point and watched from there and don't feel like I missed anything. It also has a terribly annoying high pitched noise in the background.

Going on year 8 of running TrueNAS/FreeNAS and I still feel helpless any time I try to set something up. There are always 7 invisible hoops you have to jump through. Just as the guy in the video said, the TrueNAS documentation makes no mention of this. I'm a software developer, and although that doesn't make me an expert system admin, TrueNAS confuses the hell out of me :grin: It really needs a disclaimer that it's intended for FreeBSD experts only. Oh well, I did just successfully set up Plex for the umpteenth time on TrueNAS. Unfortunately it took just as long as the first time I did it.

I digress. For a short summary of the solution :
- Open shell in Plex jail
- cd to mount point
- ls -l to list folders/files and display some ownership/permissions info
- chown -R :plex media-1 gives plex permissions for mount point (media-1 in this case is the folder I mounted to)
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