Owncloud + LDAP

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Oct 14, 2013
Hi All,

I am trying to setup the Owncloud pluging with an LDAP server.
But as soon I get an error message as soon as I enable the the ldap module in Owncloud.

Warning: The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it.

So it seems like the php5-ldap is missing in plugin.

I tried to manually install it (I am not that familiar with freebsd jails) by doing the following.

  1. jexec 1 /bin/tcsh (to get the package into the jail)
  2. pkg_add -r php5-ldap (install the packag in the jail)
  3. edit the file /usr/pbi/owncloud-amd64/etc/php/extensions.ini added a row extension=ldap.so
After this I rebooted the whole freenas system (not sure how to reboot the jail) still getting the
Warning: The PHP LDAP module is not installed, the backend will not work. Please ask your system administrator to install it.
Anyone having any tips or leads of what I can have done wrong..

Best Regards


Please create a feature request at bugs.freenas.org, asking that this be added to the PBI, and post the issue number here.
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