not all acl permissions apply to child datasets


Dec 2, 2022

I have some problem applying my permissions recursively.
At first I could not apply because "Default ACL entries are required in order to apply ACL recursively."
I found a thread explaining it somewhat ie. that it is just incomprehensible so I gave up on that without extra documentation and not very much knowledge.
So decided to do it with one of the default ACL entries. I can apply that one and the first user gets transferred to the child datasets but the second one gets lost somewhere.

what I try to accomplish is a dataset with owner my user vrvljs (for smb acces from laptop) and a second user acces for the vm running plex and metadata managing software. I guess I can use the same user for both but I cant imagine that that is twe way it should be.

my storage:
/media acl:vrvljs and vm-dckr (media library)
/movies acl:from parent
/series acl from parent
/linux vm (storage for vm)
/smb-vm acl:vrvljs and vm-dckr (storage for docker applications running in vm so they are not located in vm machine file)

any help would be appreciated.
kind regards vrvljs