I work for a non profit. FreeNAS has been very helpful to us and we are very grateful for the project. We have run into small issue and would like some help or advice, please.
We have older computer system(s) from external partners. Old storage server was donation from company. It has been painful to manage this old dying server. We are migrating away from old storage server to FreeNAS. Problem is we need to simulate configuration of old storage server on FreeNAS while maintaining new configurations. We cant change client configuration either.
Changing the configuration of the NFS clients is not possible for us. We manage the old storage system and the new FreeNAS. We don't / cant easily manage configuration of clients as this is hard coded in legacy custom application. We do manage our internal DNS zone.
Old storage server filestore100.office.intranet
New (FreeNAS) storage server filestore200.office.intranet
Our migration plan is:
0. Lower DNS TTL value on record.
1. scp all files from old storage server to new storage server
2. update DNS record and point filestore100 to filestore200(FreeNAS).
We did a test with Linux client and a CNAME record to simulate the dns change. After reboot of Linux client re-pointing Linux client to FreeNAS using DNS alias worked.
We hit a problem and need help, please
Old storage server had mount/ export names of /netdisk/directory-share-name which point to /dskgrp02/shares/directory-share-name.
Since we cant change the actual path for the Linux clients that are using the storage server but can change the hostname, we need a "FreeNAS compliant" way to create these links so they show up in the GUI or are manageable from the command line. I would love some advice on how to do this in a way that complies with FreeNAS configuration. Essentially we need to create appropriate aliases that don't interfere with the operations of FreeNAS. We cant change the new FreeNAS share names either.
Our FreeNAS shares are something like /mnt/zfspool05/volume501
so /netdisk/directory-share-name would need to point to /mnt/dz595p01/v595ls3
Would ln -s be acceptable way for aliases for FreeNAS or would be have a problem? Are there better ways of creating an alias within FreeNAS GUI that would allow us to track the usage of the alias name?
I work for a non profit. FreeNAS has been very helpful to us and we are very grateful for the project. We have run into small issue and would like some help or advice, please.
We have older computer system(s) from external partners. Old storage server was donation from company. It has been painful to manage this old dying server. We are migrating away from old storage server to FreeNAS. Problem is we need to simulate configuration of old storage server on FreeNAS while maintaining new configurations. We cant change client configuration either.
Changing the configuration of the NFS clients is not possible for us. We manage the old storage system and the new FreeNAS. We don't / cant easily manage configuration of clients as this is hard coded in legacy custom application. We do manage our internal DNS zone.
Old storage server filestore100.office.intranet
New (FreeNAS) storage server filestore200.office.intranet
Our migration plan is:
0. Lower DNS TTL value on record.
1. scp all files from old storage server to new storage server
2. update DNS record and point filestore100 to filestore200(FreeNAS).
We did a test with Linux client and a CNAME record to simulate the dns change. After reboot of Linux client re-pointing Linux client to FreeNAS using DNS alias worked.
We hit a problem and need help, please
Old storage server had mount/ export names of /netdisk/directory-share-name which point to /dskgrp02/shares/directory-share-name.
Since we cant change the actual path for the Linux clients that are using the storage server but can change the hostname, we need a "FreeNAS compliant" way to create these links so they show up in the GUI or are manageable from the command line. I would love some advice on how to do this in a way that complies with FreeNAS configuration. Essentially we need to create appropriate aliases that don't interfere with the operations of FreeNAS. We cant change the new FreeNAS share names either.
Our FreeNAS shares are something like /mnt/zfspool05/volume501
so /netdisk/directory-share-name would need to point to /mnt/dz595p01/v595ls3
Would ln -s be acceptable way for aliases for FreeNAS or would be have a problem? Are there better ways of creating an alias within FreeNAS GUI that would allow us to track the usage of the alias name?