I would like to sync my Contacts (for the beginning: nextcloud, thunderbird, Iphone / later: dect phone)
I have no issues to sync contacs between nextcloud and thunderbird (with tbsync). However, with Iphone i have the following problem:
I use the following Acount-Url: (copied from contacts settings undernextcloud) in the account settings for Iphone contacts.
I get the following error message under IOS: "Cannot Connect Using SSL"
My configuration:
nextcloud 28.0.2_1.6.57
I used in the beginning the default certificate in the settings of nextcould: 'truenas_default' Certificate
I figured out here:
and here:
that the default certificate of truenas does not meet the requirements of apple. (Windows/Thunderbird seems to be less strict)
Therefore I created a self digend certificate with the following command (using openssl for windows):
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -keyout keyname.key -out certname.crt -subj "/CN=truenas.local" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:truenas.local,DNS:*.truenas.local,IP:"
I installed the newly created certificate in truenas/credentials/certificates and selected in the settings of nextcloud this certificate. However, I still get the error message under IOS: "Cannot Connect Using SSL".
Does anyone have an idea how to solve that problem?
Or, does truenas/nextcloud somewhere log a more detailed error message (GUI or console)?
Another observation. I installed the nextcloud app for IOS. I entered the ip address of my nextcloud website. An error message said: the certificate of the server is not valid. Details of the certificate shows that the truenas default certificate is still used by nextcloud (issuer: iXsystems). So it seems that the entry in the settings for nextcloud regarding the certificate to be used for nextcloud does not work.
Best regards,
I would like to sync my Contacts (for the beginning: nextcloud, thunderbird, Iphone / later: dect phone)
I have no issues to sync contacs between nextcloud and thunderbird (with tbsync). However, with Iphone i have the following problem:
I use the following Acount-Url: (copied from contacts settings undernextcloud) in the account settings for Iphone contacts.
I get the following error message under IOS: "Cannot Connect Using SSL"
My configuration:
nextcloud 28.0.2_1.6.57
I used in the beginning the default certificate in the settings of nextcould: 'truenas_default' Certificate
I figured out here:
Post-Catalina and iOS 13 SSL Certificate Generation Issues.
All, Posting this to help others and to see if anyone's found a genuine solution before I open a ticket. Starting with macOS Catalina and iOS 13, Apple has begun placing new restrictions on how it treats certificates. You can get all the gory details here...

Requirements for trusted certificates in iOS 13 and macOS 10.15 - Apple Support
Learn about new security requirements for TLS server certificates in iOS 13 and macOS 10.15.
Therefore I created a self digend certificate with the following command (using openssl for windows):
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -keyout keyname.key -out certname.crt -subj "/CN=truenas.local" -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:truenas.local,DNS:*.truenas.local,IP:"
I installed the newly created certificate in truenas/credentials/certificates and selected in the settings of nextcloud this certificate. However, I still get the error message under IOS: "Cannot Connect Using SSL".
Does anyone have an idea how to solve that problem?
Or, does truenas/nextcloud somewhere log a more detailed error message (GUI or console)?
Another observation. I installed the nextcloud app for IOS. I entered the ip address of my nextcloud website. An error message said: the certificate of the server is not valid. Details of the certificate shows that the truenas default certificate is still used by nextcloud (issuer: iXsystems). So it seems that the entry in the settings for nextcloud regarding the certificate to be used for nextcloud does not work.
Best regards,
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