Newbie looking for permission help

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Dec 30, 2015
I know the rules say this is likely to go unanswered but Ill try anyway in hope that someone can at least point me to a current guide that can help me.

Only Windows in the house and maybe 4 users tops. I want a dataset for each user thats to be accessible to the user and one shared /mnt/nas_pool/media dataset accross all users. I want to full access to everything. All settings are set to windows when asked.

The best I could do messing with the settings is I have full access everything and the users can full access to their share and media, but only read and directory listing for everyone elses share. I messed with the settings so much I think I messed things up so I am doing it all over again from scratch.

Thanks in advance for reading and replying.



Sep 28, 2015
Everyone has their own Windows logon? Did you make users with the same PW in FreeNAS to match the Windows users?


Sep 28, 2015
Ya that is really old 8.2 but windows permissions have not changed really since then.

It all depends on how your folder structure is setup. If you have inherit enabled, you will have access to everything under the parent folder. \mnt\Vol1\Share is your share for example. under that you have \User1, \User2, \User3 etc. If you have the \mnt\Vol1\Share mapped, you then have access to every folder under that.
I think this should work: (may need tweaking but you get the idea)
You could just do users on the FreeNAS side. Create all your users like above, create their datasets via FreeNAS and set those users as the owners. Then create a CIFS share for each of the users data set. Check the permissions on those folders with your admin user. Now map each of those to your PC and do not save the credentials when you map them. Every time you go to that share, the user will need to authenticate to it.

Ya that may not work... You have to log out each time otherwise you remain authenticated to the share.

Someone may have a better idea but I'd say just create a user account on both Windows and FreeNAS for each user and go from there.


Dec 30, 2015
I redid all the shares, datasets, and user accounts according to that image and left everything UNIX instead of windows and it seems to be working now. I can access everything and I tried on my dads computer (Microsoft Account, boooo), using his FreeNAS logon and it would let him access media and his share but asked for password on any other share so Im assuming he was denied. Is there any reason leaving all the settings in FreeNAS to UNIX with those permissions is a bad idea? Or does "it works dont 'fix' it" apply here? LOL.

Thanks Fuganater for the replies. FreeNAS seems like the perfect solution but its so robust its confusing:p
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