I was hoping someone could double check this build for me to ensure that everything should work. I was given the parts listed by a friend who upgraded to a new system but he did not run FreeNas. I was hoping to utilize these for a FreeNas build. I read the hardware requirements and the zfs primer and I think everything should work but I'm just hoping for an expert or someone more knowledgeable than me to weigh in. Let me know what you think.
I would like my FreeNAS build to be able do the following things.
1.Share multimedia files among 4-5 computers in my home
2.Provide storage for my EXSi host via nfs or iscsi, my host runs plex, nextcloud, a blue ray ripping machine, and a few dev servers for my personal programming projects
3.Be a backup target for my desktop, this is very important
I won't link the ram since it was previously used with this motherboard but it has 16GB ECC Rdim.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/WD-Red-2TB...641510&hash=item2aa683164c:g:LRkAAOSwjexa1Q9v I have 2 of these from my old Qnap nas. I would like to add 2 more.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/INTEL-DC-S...716864&hash=item52097b5e25:g:DXwAAOSwqARaldJi for a slog device, I plan to use freenas as storage for my ESXi host. I think this is a week spot but it's the best I could find for the price. I will be purchasing this item.
A generic 120 GB ssd for a boot drive.
I think I have included all important components. I am planning to use the sata ports on the motherboard for now as I need 6 ports and it provides 6.
Thanks in advance.
I would like my FreeNAS build to be able do the following things.
1.Share multimedia files among 4-5 computers in my home
2.Provide storage for my EXSi host via nfs or iscsi, my host runs plex, nextcloud, a blue ray ripping machine, and a few dev servers for my personal programming projects
3.Be a backup target for my desktop, this is very important
I won't link the ram since it was previously used with this motherboard but it has 16GB ECC Rdim.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/WD-Red-2TB...641510&hash=item2aa683164c:g:LRkAAOSwjexa1Q9v I have 2 of these from my old Qnap nas. I would like to add 2 more.
https://www.ebay.com/itm/INTEL-DC-S...716864&hash=item52097b5e25:g:DXwAAOSwqARaldJi for a slog device, I plan to use freenas as storage for my ESXi host. I think this is a week spot but it's the best I could find for the price. I will be purchasing this item.
A generic 120 GB ssd for a boot drive.
I think I have included all important components. I am planning to use the sata ports on the motherboard for now as I need 6 ports and it provides 6.
Thanks in advance.