My First FreeNAS Build Report

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May 26, 2017
Bad blocks finished up the other day. 2 of the drives finished with 0 errors while the other one accumulated a few more errors, but after running a SMART long test my reallocated sectors still remains 0. So good I guess?

I'm now running bad blocks on my last HDD and so far 0 errors but it's still on its 2nd pass. Also, it looks the the HBA, a LSI 9211-8i I ordered will be here on Friday.

I did go though the motions of replacing a disk. Following this guide was easy. I had about 4TB of data on the pool just to see how long it would take to resliver.

They way it's going I'll be able get this thing fully online right after I get back from vacation.


Apr 21, 2014
while the other one accumulated a few more errors, but after running a SMART long test my reallocated sectors still remains 0. So good I guess?

Any error is a huge red flag to me. On the off chance that the issue is the cable or controller, I would switch the drive to a new cable and port and repeat the test.


May 26, 2017
Time for a much needed update to the build log.

Any error is a huge red flag to me. On the off chance that the issue is the cable or controller, I would switch the drive to a new cable and port and repeat the test.

I hooked up all my drives to the HBA and they were visible to FreeNAS. YAY! I reran bad blocks on the drive in question and the final result was 0 errors, so I'm guessing it was a bad cable.

Also got a small SSD, a Silicon Power 60GB drive and attempted to install FreeNAS on it. I kept on getting CAM status errors. The SSD would show up in BIOS and as an option in the install menu. I tried different ports and a different SATA power connector, still no go. It was also on a SATA power extension that I removed and it still showed that error. I finally freed up my SanDisk Plus 240GB SSD, hooked it up and was able to install FreeNAS without issues. So go with a trusted brand or maybe it was a faulty SSD. :rolleyes:

Now I'm purposely starting from scratch, so I didn't save the config file. But while I was in the final testing phase, I did learn plenty and I know I will still continue to learn more about FreeNAS.

In the next few days, when I have free time again I'll set up the user permissions and start moving my data over.
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