After completing the following I now have read access, but not write access in Ubuntu. Full access is capable in a remote windows machine. Please advise how to gain write access. Thanks.
YouTube videos used to install FreeNas 11.3-U1 and Ubuntu 18.04
11.3 smb setup
FreeNAS 11 - Creating a Ubuntu VM
Ubuntu terminal, created folders with user-group/UI-GID of root 0 and enduser 1000
Then modified file
Added lines to the bottom
Then mounted the share
YouTube videos used to install FreeNas 11.3-U1 and Ubuntu 18.04
11.3 smb setup
FreeNAS 11 - Creating a Ubuntu VM
Ubuntu terminal, created folders with user-group/UI-GID of root 0 and enduser 1000
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils sudo mkdir /mnt/windowshare mkdir /home/enduser/windowshare
Then modified file
sudo -s nano /etc/fstab
Added lines to the bottom
# FreeNAS SMB windowshare mount // /mnt/windowshare cifs username=homeuser,password=homeuser2, 0 0 // /home/enduser/windowshare cifs username=homeuser,password=homeuser2 0 0
Then mounted the share
sudo mount -a