SOLVED .MKV File FTP Transfer Bad File Descriptor unless transferred back

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Dec 27, 2013
I have been tinkering with FreeNAS before purchasing a full blown system (server grade mobo, ram, hdd's, etc..), to be sure that this is something that I want. I have been playing around with FreeNAS for a good month or so, learning all that I can from the forum. I understand permissions, accounts, sharing, and services. I am still learning on jails and the micromanaging of accounts/permissions.

Since I do not have much in the way of RAM, I decided to use UFS, and have given the guest all the controls (wheel, admin, etc..)

It is an old e-Machines T6420 w/4gb of RAM.
I have an ASUS RT-AC66R updated to latest Firmware

To my Problem: I am looking to backup my blurays and recently purchased a LG blu-ray rom for my desktop computer. I have ripped the movie using makemkv. Once the movie is ripped and stored on the desktop, I can play the movie with no issues. I then FTP the file over to FreeNAS server, and verify the bytes match as close as possible. They do, and I attempt to stream the file from FreeNAS onto the desktop and receive a "bad file descriptor". I can then transfer that file back to the desktop (in a completely different location as the source file), and open up the file and view the movie.

Now I have had to reload FreeNAS a couple times already, because I have boogered something up and messed up the FreeNAS filing. So with all the files that were already on the hdd (non bluray movies ripped with makemkv, some 1080p test files from website, etc.) and they all play correctly through streaming to the clients.

Could it be a permissions that I need to correct on current file transfers?
Could there be permissions on the recent FTP'd files that are not allowing me to view, but I can view the existing files?

I tried searching the forum for an answer on this, but came up empty handed. Figured I would get some input from the forum, before digging into it this weekend.

Thanks, Mike


Dec 27, 2013

So after trying to get the files to open, I have to FTP them over to each client then I can play them, no stream. In the server files, I can go to security of the files that do not play and see a "you do not have permissions to view or edit this object's permissions settings." but once I FTP it over, I then can access the objects permissions. Now this didn't, do this with the previous files that were on the server before reloading a fresh FreeNAS on the thumbdrive.

for some reason its just these files .mkv files that I have created recently with makemkv (bluray rip) that does not allow permissions, the DVD rips used with .mkv have viewable permissions.


Inactive Account
Mar 25, 2012
You plan to share or should I just delete the thread? Right now its just you talking about your setup, then "SOLVED". Completely useless for future readers if you don't explain. ;)


Dec 27, 2013
Not sure if it if the best way to approach the fix, but I went into the Volume Permissions, and changed the owner to "guest" and selected "Set Permission Recursively". It rewrote the permissions on all the files of the volume and I was able to stream them appropriately.
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