Minio access key and secret key


Aug 7, 2022
I'm trying to follow the instructions. But combined with what I see on the screen, it's extremely confusing.

I have the Minio app installed and running. Is that correct? Or should I be using the S3 service in System Settings? Or both?

In the S3 configuration panel in System Settings, I couldn't for the life of me see why the Save button was disabled. Not a peep as to why. Then I saw someone, in one of those howto articles mentioned as an aside that the key values could be only alphanumeric. Again, not a peep in the TrueNAS documentation or settings panel. :mad: Anyway, here is my S3 configuration panel:
Screenshot from 2022-08-15 19-32-17.png

And, here is my Minio configuration: (Sorry for all the screenshots.)
Screenshot from 2022-08-15 19-57-45.png

Screenshot from 2022-08-15 19-58-23.png

Screenshot from 2022-08-15 19-58-56.png

At this point I have both the Minio app and the S3 service running. They appear to have started normally -- no complaints from either one.

So then I go to set up an S3 client. In the S3 documentation, it gives instructions about using s3cmd (I'm on a Linux system). I follow them as best as I can, but it's not exactly clear. I've attached the ~/.s3cfg file.

I go to the client computer and run a s3cmd command:
Screenshot from 2022-08-15 19-49-36.png

I read somewhere along the line that the accesskey and secretkey are depricated. But, again, it is not clear to me what to do instead. I tried a few different permutations, but nothing works.

Thank you so much for reading through all of this and for giving me your thoughts.


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Samuel Tai

Never underestimate your own stupidity
Apr 24, 2020
You don't need the MinIO plugin, only the S3 service. Also s3cmd, as far as I know, tries to contact Amazon S3, and not MinIO, without additional configuration.

The simplest option is to just use a browser to connect to the S3 service. Use the same certificate as your TrueNAS server, and you'll be able to connect to https://<your TrueNAS IP>:9000. Use your access key for the login and the secret key for the password.


Aug 7, 2022
Now, I'm getting S3 service failed to start errors when I try to start it.

I did not specify the certificate information because, when I went to the certificates area, nothing made any sense.

I wanted to look at a log or two to see if I could find what happened. But, I see no place in the TrueNAS GUI where I can access any logs.

I'm tired of these non-messages ("failed to start"?? That's all?). Do you think you could encourage the programmers to use informative messages? It's not that difficult, unless they are lazy or someone is pushing them to take shortcuts.

I don't like to be so blunt, but I'm getting frustrated, and I am a patient person.

I'm getting the impression that I need an CS master's degree to make this work.

Samuel Tai

Never underestimate your own stupidity
Apr 24, 2020
Use the same certificate as under System->General. The service isn't starting because it doesn't have a certificate. Take a look at my S3 service setup:


The certificate is the same as my server cert in System->General. TLS Server Hostname is the CN in the certificate, and should be the FQDN of your server.

Samuel Tai

Never underestimate your own stupidity
Apr 24, 2020
I wanted to look at a log or two to see if I could find what happened. But, I see no place in the TrueNAS GUI where I can access any logs.

Logs are only available from Shell. Use PuTTY to access a shell via SSH, and then navigate to /var/log. You'll want to tail -f minio.log.