I set installed a new Nextcloud 13 into an Iocage jail. I wanto to migrate all data from the Nextcloud plugin (version 11).
I set the old nextcloud to maintenace mode.
first I had to install sudo inside the jail:
then set maintenance mode:
then I run Rsync according to the Backup manual:
after that I have to dump the database, according to the Backup manual:
mysqldump --single-transaction -h [server] -u [username] -p[password] [db_name] > nextcloud-sqlbkp_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.bak
but in the standard plugin version Nextcloud what is the default for
- server
- username
- password
- db_name
I set installed a new Nextcloud 13 into an Iocage jail. I wanto to migrate all data from the Nextcloud plugin (version 11).
I set the old nextcloud to maintenace mode.
first I had to install sudo inside the jail:
pkg install sudo
then set maintenance mode:
sudo -u www /usr/pbi/nextcloud-amd64/bin/php /usr/pbi/nextcloud-amd64/www/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on
then I run Rsync according to the Backup manual:
cd /usr/pbi/nextcloud-amd64/www
rsync -avx nextcloud/ nextcloud-dirbkp_`date +"%Y%m%d"`/
after that I have to dump the database, according to the Backup manual:
mysqldump --single-transaction -h [server] -u [username] -p[password] [db_name] > nextcloud-sqlbkp_`date +"%Y%m%d"`.bak
but in the standard plugin version Nextcloud what is the default for
- server
- username
- password
- db_name