Where has config.php gone in Nextcloud?


Jul 13, 2015
Hi people, I downloaded the latest 11.2 beta3, and with the help of posts on here got the Nextcloud plugin going up to the point that I can login and save file from within the network. I now need to configure the "config.php" file to allow my phone to access from outside the network.

On previous versions I used to type in the nextcloud jail, "cd /usr/pbi/nextcloud-amd64/www/nextcloud/config/" then added the ip address of my phone by changing the config.php file.

In this latest version of nextcloud 11.2 release P, i'm trying to find the file in both the plugin shell and the jail shell, even the main freenas shell i'm getting this, "No such file or directory".

Admittedly previous versions of nextcloud and when owncloud was a choice, the plugin just worked, once you created the admin account after first login. Now there is allot more configuration to do just to get going. I can't wait for it to just work again with one "click", but till then, does anyone know how to give an external source permission within nextcloud or the location of the config.php file.

Thanks in advance


Jul 13, 2015
Hi dlavigne,

I've tried bug fix 1. and 3. and it has not fixed my problem of finding the config.php, see the copy of the shell below. It did fix the redirect loop however. My version of fixing the redirect loop prior to this was to stop cookies in my browser. Stopping cookies only worked with chrome, but not mozilla firefox.
After doing 1. & 3. both browsers now can log into Nextcloud from within the network with cookies turned on.

root@nextcloud:~ # cd /usr/local/www/nextcloud
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud # su -m www -c "php ./occ config:import< /usr/local/share/nextcloud/fix-apps_paths.json"
The process control (PCNTL) extensions are required in case you want to interrupt long running commands - see http://php.net/manual/en/book.pcntl.php
Config successfully imported from:
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud # pkg update
Updating iocage-plugins repository catalogue...
iocage-plugins repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud # pkg install nano
Updating iocage-plugins repository catalogue...
iocage-plugins repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
pkg: No packages available to install matching 'nano' have been found in the repositories
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud # cd /usr/pbi/nextcloud-amd64/www/nextcloud/config/
/usr/pbi/nextcloud-amd64/www/nextcloud/config/: No such file or directory.
root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud #

There are definitely more files now after doing the above, as I remember it was no more than 2 lines when ran the command "ls", now there are much more which I've pasted a copy below. Are any of these perhaps the new config file?

"root@nextcloud:/usr/local/www/nextcloud # ls
.htaccess config index.php remote.php tmp
.user.ini console.php lib resources updater
3rdparty core occ robots.txt version.php
AUTHORS cron.php ocs settings
apps data ocs-provider status.php
apps-pkg index.html public.php themes"

Hope this helps some one
regards Humph