Looking for a guide to install xTeVe in Truenas jail


Sep 30, 2017

Is there anyone out here that successfully installed xTeVe on a Truenas jail? I found an old post with people talking about installing it in Freenas but I couldn't get that working :(. I tried installing xTeVe in a jail and just use wget to download the latest version from Github, extract it with tar and then make the xTeVe file executable. It starts but gives a warning that it shouldn't be ran as root.

Screenshot 2022-12-21 at 09.13.19.png

I would like to have it start automatically as wel when the jail is starting up, but my TrueNas shell skills are not that great :frown:
Jan 7, 2015
Ive run it in linux and im sure its about the same way to do it. A simple script to run it at post init or at reboot. You can start it up as any user you specify using in the jail.

su -m USER -c xteve
That command would be for a user without a shell
su -u USER -c xteve

Whatever user you are going to run as needs access to the working directories. It might be easiest if you install xteve in the plex jail and run it all as your plex user. Just a thought