Launch Docker Image - Navidrome Endless Deploying but won't install

Oct 30, 2022
Hi I'm tryning to install Navidrome so I launch a Docker image and follow instruction to install Navidrome. I'm stuck at the Deploying stage and nothing moves from there so Navidrome can't be installed.

I'm getting these errors in logs and alerts:

{"kind":"Status","apiVersion":"v1","metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"container \"ix-chart\" in pod \"navidrome-ix-chart-799597876b-67cq4\" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating","reason":"BadRequest","code":400}

Failed to start kubernetes cluster for Applications: (101, 'Network is unreachable')

2022-10-30 15:12:12 (America/Los_Angeles)

I noticed that it shows me America/Los-Angeles time but I'm in Montreal Canada so I did change the time in Truenas to match my server also with the same Montreal time. But I still get that LA-America not sure if it's normal maybe it's trying to access a USA server but in any case I can't seem to find the solution to install Navidrome streaming player with Truenas?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

