First, I was telling you about that menu. I wasn't telling you what to set or anything else. Just leaving the door open. If you want to spend a few months learning how all this stuff works (or not) that's totally your business. I didn't change my settings, and even if I did I wouldn't share them because they almost certainly wouldn't apply unless you chose to match my harder perfectly, down to the hard drive firmware version. Some of us will gladly spend months doing research as we find file servers to be a very fulfilling hobby. Others don't care. For those that don't care they either accept the limitations of whatever they have or they go with something like a Synology which has even more limitations. Pick one. ;)
Ok looks like I misinterpreted you post. Sorry
Alright last question and please excuse my total ignorance here. How exactly would I go about isolating and finding a single bad disk in a big pool WITHOUT destroying the pool. Keeping in mind that there's no indication from smart that there is anything wrong with any disk. And scrubs didn't show any errors either. Do I have to pick a disk at random offline it and hope the pool works. What exactly do I have to do to find the bad disk.Second, I already told you how I deal with it. Find the failing disk and simply replace it. That's how you deal with it. Now your disk is misbehaving for reasons that don't appear on SMART. So either something is wrong with the disk itself, or something else is indirectly affecting how the disk operates. I can't tell you which because I don't know which. I don't have your hardware so I can't troubleshoot the problem to that level.