I have the NextCloud plugin installed and set up to use storage in a dataset outside the jail, as shown in the attached Capture1.png. I see the same data within both the source and destination.
I understand that data is not actually copied between these two directories, but the destination is just a symbolic link (as discussed here: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/i-don't-understand-jails-storage.19750/)
However, when using the
I use rsync.net to backup my entire volume (jails, data, the whole shabang), and just got an email saying I reached my 100GB quota limit, when according to the FreeNAS storage report I should be only using half of it, as shown by Capture5.png. When I ftp'd into my rsync.net folder I found that it was copying both the source and destination data, essentially doubling the data size.
My rsync command is
My FreeNAS version is 11.1-RELEASE
Is there any reason why I'm getting 2 different reports on data size, and why it seems that the data is being duplicated by rsync?
Any help will be really appreciated. You guys rock.
I understand that data is not actually copied between these two directories, but the destination is just a symbolic link (as discussed here: https://forums.freenas.org/index.php?threads/i-don't-understand-jails-storage.19750/)
However, when using the
command to check the file size, I find that the reported file size is the same in the jail destination and the source dataset, as shown in Capture2.png and Capture3.png. But when I use the zfs list
command, I get the expected result of source containing all the data and much larger than the destination, as shown in Capture4.png, as opposed to the same size, as returned by du
I use rsync.net to backup my entire volume (jails, data, the whole shabang), and just got an email saying I reached my 100GB quota limit, when according to the FreeNAS storage report I should be only using half of it, as shown by Capture5.png. When I ftp'd into my rsync.net folder I found that it was copying both the source and destination data, essentially doubling the data size.
My rsync command is
/usr/local/bin/rsync -avH --progress --delete --chmod=u+rwx /mnt/volume1 xxx@xxx.rsync.net:
My FreeNAS version is 11.1-RELEASE
Is there any reason why I'm getting 2 different reports on data size, and why it seems that the data is being duplicated by rsync?
Any help will be really appreciated. You guys rock.
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