Issues launching docker image (crossseed/cross-seed)


Apr 18, 2023
I'm just looking for general direction on how to troubleshoot this further than I've gotten. I'm trying to run cross-seed using the native 'Launch Docker Image' function in Truenas, which I've used successfully for other images.

I've ported the options from the docker-compose documentation and mounted the necessary paths. As a test, I'm setting:
Container Entrypoint > Container CMD > Command: search
In an attempt to have a base config generated.

However, the container itself fails to start. Debugging the daemon in Portainer, I see:
Warning Error: failed to start container "ix-chart": Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "search": executable file not found in $PATH: unknown

And that's where I'm sort of stuck. I wanted to see if anyone had suggestions or if they are successfully running cross-seed with a different configuration.

Thank you!


Apr 18, 2023
Spent all week on this, and I figured it out. Here's how I got it working:

Using the TrueNAS native 'Launch Docker Image':

- Give it a name
- Image repository: crossseed/cross-seed
- Image Tag: Latest
- Container Entrypoint > Command: /usr/local/bin/cross-seed
- Container Entrypoint > Arg: gen-config
- Storage: Mount host paths per the documentation
- /path/to/docker/cross-seed/config:/config
- /path/to/BT_backup:/torrents (depending on your client)
- /path/to/some/output/location:/output
- Configure Container Use and Group ID:
- Run Container As User: 568
- Run Container As Group: 568

The permissions config may need to be tweaked or may not be necessary depending on your environment. Then:
- Deploy the container
- The /config directory on the host will populate
- Stop the container
- Modify config.js per the documentation
- Change: Container Entrypoint > Arg: daemon
- Save and Start
At that point, the daemon should be running.