using CMD in "Launch Docker Image" button with a Docker in Docker image


Feb 26, 2019
Hi all,

I'm using the "Launch Docker Image" button to start a Docker in Docker image (, and would like to have the container run docker-compose at startup. It would seem that you could do this with the "Container CMD" setting, but it does not work. Fails with a file not found error.

Instead, I start the container, then go into the Shell and run docker-compose manually, and everything works fine. But, I'd like to have that all done in the Container CMD setting instead of manual.

Here's what I'm putting in the Container CMD setting (graylog is the app I'm starting):
["docker", "compose", "-f", "/docker/docker-compose.yml", "up", "--exit-code-from", "graylog", "--quiet-pull", "--no-log-prefix", "--no-recreate",]

Has anyone been able to successfully run docker-compose up within a Container CMD setting?

Thank you in advance!