iocage VNET jail no longer getting IP address after removing Warden jails

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Dwarf Cavendish

Dec 19, 2017
A while ago I decided to preemptively create iocage replacements for some jails that I had, among which one for Plex. It turned out that Plex requires VNET for networking in a jail in order to work. I created it using the beta GUI and until recently, it worked fine. Since everything seemed fine I decided to remove my now defunct Warden jails.

However, after I updated my NAS to 11.1U5 today I discovered that I no longer have networking in my Plex jail. When starting the jail with iocage everything seems fine, but jls shows no IP address. Also, outbound networking from within the jail is not possible.

Some relevant outputs:

# iocage get defaultrouter plex

# iocage get ip4_addr plex

# iocage get vnet plex

# jls
5 plex /mnt/fishtank/iocage/jails/plex/root

I added the vnet0| afterwards trying to fix things, it wasn't there earlier on. I also consulted this, but I am unsure how to apply it within FreeNAS. What I think has happened is that some kind of tunable was removed while removing the last Warden jail, but I am not sure what that would be and how to put it back.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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