How to get NextCloud Jail working with Domain-name

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Feb 11, 2017
Hello FreeNAS community!

I am new to FreeNAS and wanted to know if you guys could help me solve a problem that I'm having. I just finished building our new 24TB RAID Z2 Machine and love it! It's got two Intel E5 8 cores, 64 GB of RAM and enough extra hard drive bays to expand to 40 TB in the future. Right now I have a couple AFP shares set up for Time Machine Backups, and video storage. I also have a Plex jail running with access to a media share. No issues here. My primary purpose of running FreeNAS tho is to run NextCloud. While I am not super happy about the old dependencies in the plugin it was super convenient so I decided to use the plug-in instead of a manual install. I got my port forwarding set up so that I can remotely access the nextcloud jail and I've already configure the outside DNS for my domain name. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a DNS settings panel for FreeNAS jails. I can't seem to find anything online regarding DNS for jails. Of course I can still access nextcloud remotely by just typing in my networks public IP address, but I really need to use a domain name. I have used own cloud and nextCloud before on OS X Servers "don't judge me " and the DNS settings where in their own menu under advanced settings. So where is this settings panel in FreeNAS??????? I would really appreciate any advice the community could offer. I am by no means an expert, but this is not my first NextCloud deployment.

Please Help!
Jan 7, 2015
I think what you want to do is forward the port from router to your NextCloud jail IP/port, then point the domain name A record of question to your external IP. That should be about the extent of it. That is how I have done it anyway. I see you have done this basically, but im unsure what more you want to do. As you have it you should be able to go to and have it direct to your nextcloud instance.
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