since 11.1 U5 there's a integration of Self-Encrypting Drives in FreeNAS.
My HGST 8TB Drives Support TCG Enterprise so I'm thinking about using this on my System. I was quiet afraid of using geli, cause there are some Horror Story on this Forum where User lost all there Data. Also there are a lot people who don't recommend to use it on a productive System.
But TCG sounds really nice. My Drives are encrypting everything anyway, so why not to set a PW and make the encryption real? I really like the idea :)
So my question is, how can I set an Password with my TCG Drives to use the encryption? My Supermicro X11SM-F doesn't seems to support this out of the BIOS Settings..
I already tried it with "sedutil-cli --initialsetup PW /dev/ada0", but it seems it can't access the drive. Do i need to remove the Pool to put it on, or is there a other Problem i don't know?
Would be great if someone could help me in this case. Thank you!
since 11.1 U5 there's a integration of Self-Encrypting Drives in FreeNAS.
My HGST 8TB Drives Support TCG Enterprise so I'm thinking about using this on my System. I was quiet afraid of using geli, cause there are some Horror Story on this Forum where User lost all there Data. Also there are a lot people who don't recommend to use it on a productive System.
But TCG sounds really nice. My Drives are encrypting everything anyway, so why not to set a PW and make the encryption real? I really like the idea :)
So my question is, how can I set an Password with my TCG Drives to use the encryption? My Supermicro X11SM-F doesn't seems to support this out of the BIOS Settings..
I already tried it with "sedutil-cli --initialsetup PW /dev/ada0", but it seems it can't access the drive. Do i need to remove the Pool to put it on, or is there a other Problem i don't know?
Would be great if someone could help me in this case. Thank you!