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May 28, 2011
Thought I might as well introduce myself since I had some time to kill :)

I'm a systems architect, but looking into FreeNAS purely from a 'home user' perspective. I'm quite new to FreeNAS, not having tried any version prior to 8.0 release, and even so currently I've only played around with it as a virtual machine in preparation for building my 'first' NAS.

My interest in this lies purely from the perspective of someone who is realising that he's becoming short on storage, needs a common place for files both for himself and his wife, using mixed platforms (I've got a few windows machines and a few virtual centos boxes I play around with, the wife is entirely on three macs). Main purpose is storage of media (video mainly), as well as photos (realised this year that I'd let my photos be saved pretty much anywhere, spent three weeks pulling out all my old harddrives from 1999 til current and consolidating all the pictures).

The FreeNAS box will have its primary, and most important, job as feeding the XBMC media center with moving pictures in a smooth and stable way to keep the wife (and notably myself) happy. Secondary to that, there will most likely be torrents active connected to the NAS (centos dvd only comes in torrent format, though that may not be all running on it..), as well as (hopefully) running some images for the virtual machines and storing backups (and ideally time machine backups).

I'm hoping to learn as much as possible and help out wherever I can - FreeNAS feels very professionally oriented, and that suits me decently enough, but it would be refreshing to have a slightly more consumer-oriented discussion to solve practical usecases for people such as myself :)
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