Help with LAGG and Switch

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Aug 7, 2017
I'm frustrated with the way FreeNAS handles Nics. ESXI I have no issues and can add as many nics I want on the Same Subnet. But I'm not going to get into this right now.

Well my issue.

I have 2 Network cards with 4 nics each on them. I put each of the cards in Load balance so I have lagg0 with 4 nics and lagg1 with 4 nics. I have a managed switch. I'm not sure how I need to setup the switch or if Load Balance is the way to go. I just need some advice.

But let me explain the issue I'm having...

I have a VM Ubuntu Server with Plex installed on it. (This is the way I want it). So when I run Plex it keeps disconnecting and connecting. For example I play a song it plays for about 15 or 30 seconds then starts over and the album art shows broken. Now when I install a single nic card and attach it to the VM it works perfect so I know it's a Load Balance issue or the way the switch is handling it.

I've tried Load Balance and LACP and have the same issue so that's why I'm thinking it's the way the switch is configured. I'm running a T1600G-28TS switch. If anyone has a link or a write up on how to set the switch up it would be great.



Aug 7, 2017
I gave up. I'm not sure if this is a FreeNAS issue or FreeBSD issue, but it's just frustrating. So I created a Lagg with 4 nics with Static IP. (Works perfect). Then added another single nic set it to DHCP then went into DHCP server and got MAC and static an IP to it and I'm using it for my VM's so now my VM's are working perfect without any issues (It appears there is an issue with VM's with Lagg) . So both Lagg and Single nic are on same Subnet now. Sad I have to do it this way, but it works.

Guess I need to rethink things with FreeNAS. I have an ESXI box running with 8 Nics all independent and all on the same Subnet and I don't have to IP each of the nics. You know I don't like ESXI and been trying to find something to replace them, but they know how the world works and what people want and that's why they are #1. I hope FreeNAS steps up and kicks some butt. I think some more work on VM's and changes to the way Nic's are handled they will have a chance to shine.
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