Getting UPS to work with later versions of FreeNAS

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Dec 15, 2013
I have used a PowerWare 9120 with my home FreeNAS several years, with no problems. I'm still on and going strong.

I am however not able to get any later versions of FreeNAS to work with this UPS at all. It just fail no matter what I do. I have tried different versions over the last year trying to get anything to work after fixes and updates but to no avail.
I think UPS is a pretty important thing to have working so I would appreciate any assistance in solving it.

Powerware ups 5 PW9120 USB port (bcmxcp_usb) is the driver that works in my home NAS (and I just tried it with the other FreeNAS that is currently running in a VM as test bed).


FreeNAS Generalissimo
Oct 15, 2013
Networkupstools (NUT), who produce the UPS monitoring stuff we use, seems to indicate that all versions of nut should be fine with this UPS (even though it is considered "old" and "end of life").

You are going to have to be more specific about what "fails" and what messages you are getting when you try it. Also, when you say you try it with later versions, this is on a non-virtualized setup on bare metal? Or no?


Dec 15, 2013
Apr 29 19:36:46 FreeNAS root: /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut: WARNING: failed precmd routine for nut
Apr 29 19:36:46 FreeNAS upsmon[37137]: UPS [PowerWare9120]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused
Apr 29 19:36:46 FreeNAS upsmon[37137]: Communications with UPS PowerWare9120 lost
Apr 29 19:36:51 FreeNAS upsmon[37137]: UPS [PowerWare9120]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused
Apr 29 19:36:51 FreeNAS upsmon[37137]: UPS PowerWare9120 is unavailable
Apr 29 19:36:56 FreeNAS upsmon[37137]: UPS [PowerWare9120]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused
Apr 29 19:37:01 FreeNAS upsmon[37137]: UPS [PowerWare9120]: connect failed: Connection failure: Connection refused

HPE-ESXi-6.0.0-Update3-iso-600. (Hewlett Packard Enterprise)
ProLiant DL380 G7

I don't have a bare metal machine to try it on right now, but 9.2 works right away in another VM, and it really need to work no matter the host anyway.
I have tried several versions of FN including Corral but could not get any of them to work.

It should just work plug and play pretty much which is why it's frustrating.

It's a great UPS and Eaton based some models on it after they bought PowerWare.

pro lamer

Feb 16, 2018
Does the UPS work with your current FreeNAS version if you run it in a vm?


Dec 15, 2013
I spun up a VM on the same host with a fresh download of 9.2 and assigned USB port and UPS settings and it works right away.
[root@freenas ~]# upsc ups@freenas											
ambient.temperature.high: 40													
device.mfr: Eaton															  
device.model:  0i															  
device.part: 05147362-5501													
device.serial: **********													  
device.type: ups							 bcmxcp_usb														
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2												
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ugen0.4											
driver.version: 2.7.1														  
driver.version.internal: 0.28												  
input.frequency.high: 52														
input.frequency.low: 48														
input.frequency.nominal: 50													
input.transfer.boost.high: 195												
input.transfer.high: 276														
input.transfer.low: 160														
input.transfer.trim.low: 254													
input.voltage.nominal: 230													
output.frequency.nominal: 50													
output.L1-L2.voltage:	  0.0												
output.phases: 8																
output.voltage.nominal: 230													
ups.beeper.status: disabled													
ups.firmware: Cont:00.31 Disp:62.c4 (null)08.00								
ups.mfr: Eaton																
ups.model:  0i																
ups.power.nominal: 0															
ups.serial: **********														
ups.status: OL																
ups.test.result: Done and passed

I do notice data is missing compared to my home one:

ambient.temperature: 23														
ambient.temperature.high: 40												  
battery.charge: 100															
battery.runtime: 5970														  
battery.voltage:  39.4														
device.mfr: Eaton															  
device.model: PW9120 1000i													
device.part: 05147362-5501													
device.serial: **********													  
device.type: ups								 bcmxcp_usb														
driver.parameter.pollinterval: 2											  
driver.parameter.port: /dev/ugen1.3											
driver.version: 2.7.1														  
driver.version.internal: 0.28												  
input.frequency: 50.0														  
input.frequency.high: 52													  
input.frequency.low: 48														
input.frequency.nominal: 50													
input.transfer.boost.high: 206												
input.transfer.high: 276													  
input.transfer.low: 160														
input.transfer.trim.low: 254												  
input.voltage: 229															
input.voltage.nominal: 230													
outlet.1.delay.shutdown: -1													
outlet.1.delay.start: 0					 1																
outlet.1.status: On															
outlet.2.delay.shutdown: -1													
outlet.2.delay.start: 0					 2																
outlet.2.status: On															
output.current:  0.5														  
output.current.nominal:  4.3												  
output.frequency: 50.0														
output.frequency.nominal: 50												  
output.phases: 1															  
output.voltage: 229															
output.voltage.nominal: 230													
ups.beeper.status: disabled													
ups.description: On-Line UPS, Single Phase									
ups.firmware: Cont:02.50 Inve:02.50											
ups.load:  12.3																
ups.mfr: Eaton																
ups.model: PW9120 1000i														
ups.power: 123																
ups.power.nominal: 1000														
ups.realpower: 89
ups.serial: **********														
ups.status: OL BYPASS														  
ups.test.result: Done and passed

I will bring another UPS and see if it makes a difference

*edit* If I try the same command on latest FN I get connection refused, can't even get a list of UPS on server without connection refused.
Last edited:


Dec 15, 2013
Well time to bring this back up since I have an idea what could be wrong.

It looks to be stuck somewhere on here:
"/usr/local/etc/rc.d/nut: WARNING: failed precmd routine for nut"

So if I run it manually I get
root@FreeNAS:~ # /usr/local/sbin/upsdrvctl start
Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.7.4
Network UPS Tools - BCMXCP UPS driver 0.31 (2.7.4)
USB communication subdriver 0.22
Communications with UPS lost: get_answer: checksum error!
Communications with UPS lost: get_answer: checksum error!
Communications with UPS lost: Error executing command
Could not communicate with the ups: Device busy

Driver failed to start (exit status=1)

Now we are getting somewhere, the errors don't show up when starting from gui and with persistent enough reruns of the commands it kinda starts but still fail to work.
I suspect that is could be a flaky USB cable that still allows the device to do handshake and identifies itself enough for passthrough but then get checksum errors as soon as more data is requested.

I did successfully pass though another UPS from home through vmware console to the VM so things should work. Will test that soon.

So I guess if the errors had shown "checksum error" in FN console I would have figured it out sooner.
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